
Paese, Città/Regione

Rionero in Vulture, PZ


Nome dell'ente o associazione: 
Via S. Antonio, 6 85028 Rionero in Vulture
Contesto dell'ente o dell'associazione che presenta il progetto: 
no source of founding

Sito Web

http://twinspace.etwinning.net/453/home http://projectsetwinning.wix.com/areyouready

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Acconsenti al trattamento dei dati personali?: 
Autorizzo la FMD al trattamento dei miei dati personali.

Tipo di progetto

Educazione fino a 10 anni

Descrizione del progetto

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The purpose of this project is to allow our students to acquire the necessary competences to live in the 21st century characterized by three important aspects: the Internet Era, the Multilingualism and the Globalization. It is founded on the use of eTwinning based learning in everyday school activities, in a cross curricular approach to different school subjects and functional to the achievement of the most innovative guidelines, both national and European, and the CLIL.( Mother tongue/ english).

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project is born from a collaboration between some teachers from different European schools, exactly the Istituto Comprensivo " Ex Circolo Didattico"" of Rionero in Vulture; Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. M. Kopernika w Dzierżoniowie, Dzierżoniów, Poland; Agrupamento de Escolas da Lousã - EB nº2 from Lousã, Lousã, Portugal; CEP Virgen de la Guía, Portugalete, Spain. It's been recognized for a long time that the traditional school work and learning are no longer able to meet the needs of today's students. Many students start to become reluctant to learn and adopt disruptive behaviour in class, or drop school. This project, thanks to the use of eTwinning and ICT tools, allowed us to go beyond the traditional lesson, experiencing a new way to teaching and learning, based on the creation of an interactive, collaborative and motivating learning environment and the proposed of practical, inquiry-based tasks and open-ended problems. Students are been guided to find solutions and to learn through the exchange of ideas, research, collaboration, creativity, the assessment of their own work and that of others.. Students and their collective learning experience are at the center of learning. They are engaged in active learning and to work in teams on multidisciplinary topics fostering competence development and strengthening both individual and collaborative aspects of learning. The proposed activities have allowed the students to integrate the virtual experience with the real one (inside and outside of school) and rework it creatively through the use of technology.

Da quando è funzionante il vostro progetto?

2014-08-30 22:00:00

Obiettivi ed elementi di innovazione

The intent of this project was to integrate eTwinning in school activities as a cross curricular method, a way to overcome the traditional lesson model and promote the accomplishment of multidisciplinary and collaborative learning units/modules(attached Document: Learning Units). These were planned to address different topic and its objectives were set according to our schools curricula. All the competences was developed. - ICT, English and native language were used across the activities .The main one the communicative, oral and written but the scientific competence due to the themes chosen for the project, has been very well developed (internet, environment, recycling). We can’t forget the autonomy and personal competence because the students , guided by teachers, are the ones to carry out the project as they were the designers of the activities The Math competence, artistic and learn to learn were also important in the project This is a first attempt at a new approach to school thanks to the use of eTwinning. The project was approved by the Teachers Councils and integrated in plan of training (Spain and Italy)/ Activities Anual Plan (Portugal). For the objectives of various modules see the page Project of the eTwinning twinspace. Were used various Web 2.0 tools, such as google doc and Padlet for collaborative brainstorming, Google slides with a set of guidelines on digital citizenship and presentations, Prezi for the 'development of plan for a healthy living developed by students, free websites for image editing ,tools for creating / editing video or slides (windows movie maker, Slidely, Photopeach or other), YouTube to host videos, Madmagz for creating a collaborative e- magazine on environmental sustainability, ooVoo for the videoconferences, Sticky Moose voting tool (for the logo competition, Christmas songs and presentations), Thinglink, Myhistro (trip around the country) and Takl to show the 10th anniversary celebrations in each school.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
<p>This project has enabled pupils to develop a number of 21st century competences: communication skills, interpersonal skills, intellectual skills, collective problem solving skills, cooperation, digital competence It involved all students actively in the learning process by stimulating their interest, creativity and motivation. allowing them a variety of experiences. The planned targets were met positively by the majority of pupils. The learning/teaching process improved, reaching higher results. The activities were continuously monitored through: observation of social behavior and cognitive, which take into account the level of participation, commitment, personal responsibility and mutual support in the various activities; conversations and discussions to see the changes that this experience has made compared to previous knowledge, the degree of awareness achieved by pupils with the proposed topics and learning strategies used; peer to peer review: final product. The experience was also positive for the teachers . They had the chance to experience new and exciting ways to interact with each other and met to discuss new teaching methods. enriching and growing professionally. Thanks to their mediation and the sharing of work done, they were organized meetings with the school community, the whole school community has benefited. The results were shared with the whole schools and some other classes not involved directly in the project also took part, spreading the project to other classes and teachers (for example in citizenship lessons). The project was also presented in the school blogs and the school magazine printed every month in school, so it reached all the members of school: students, teachers, parents and families.</p>
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

The project involved teachers and students from partners school, parents ( Italy), Teachers and students communicate and cooperate using ICT tools (email, videoconferences, eTwinning twinspace). The eTwinning twinspace gave the opportunity to the different project partners to stay in constant contact and keep constantly updated on the implementation of the various activities and progresses made, as well as to share ideas and materials. Apart from that, the relationship between the teachers involved has been continuous sending emails several days a week so the contact has been very close.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Da 1 a 3 anni
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Meno di 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Il progetto è economicamente autosufficiente?: 
Since when?: 
2015-06-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

This project is a demonstration of how eTwinning is far beyond a simple e-learning platform. If well used it is a useful methodology to innovate, improve and make collaborative the process of teaching / learning playing a fundamental role in achieving the skills of the 21st century. Furthermore, the proper use of technologies can help to create a learning environment based on creativity, autonomy, language and technical skills and affects the relationship that children have with the school, focusing on the relationship and dialogue between peers , between students and teachers, by encouraging the exchange and cooperation from several European schools, strengthening and enhancing the ability of all pupils, encouraging their active participation in the world of education by reducing a inequalities and difficulties, motivating students to engage in learning, preventing any risk of early school leaving and lays the groundwork for the formation of active and responsible citizens, able to fit in an active and productive in a highly technological and globalized society.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
<p>Shortage and lack of technology in our school. Equipping the school of suitable and functional technological tools.</p>
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
<p>This project will continue in the future in relation to the activities provided for in the school curriculum of the various schools It would be good that he found a greater extent in our schools and that the school was equipped with spaces and functional tools.</p>

Paese, Città/Regione



Nome dell'ente o associazione: 
Liceo “Vittorio Gassman”
Contesto dell'ente o dell'associazione che presenta il progetto: 

Sito Web


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Acconsenti al trattamento dei dati personali?: 
Autorizzo la FMD al trattamento dei miei dati personali.

Tipo di progetto

Educazione fino a 10 anni

Descrizione del progetto

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Comunicazione efficace con gli studenti, anche con quelli assenti, assegnazione di compiti ed esercizi. Risposte inviate al solo docente o condivise con la classe.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Cercando nella rete ho trovato un prodotto gratuito (EDMODO), molto simile a facebook nella grafica e nell’utilizzo,e per questo gradito agli studenti, che permette di creare con pochi click un gruppo classe o addirittura un gruppo scuola o più gruppi collegati, per gestire le comunicazioni tra docente ed alunni, tra alunni ed alunni, per scambiare materiale, per creare questionari, per assegnare compiti con scadenza determinata. Ho quindi deciso di sperimentarne l’uso con alcune delle mie classi. Il vantaggio deriva dal fatto che gli studenti hanno a disposizione uno strumento simile a facebook ma che non permette loro di mescolare la vita privata con quella scolastica, quando accedono ad EDMODO sanno che si trovano in un ambiente scolastico, che è una “propagazione” della scuola, un essere ancora in classe; è la classe che si estende oltre le mura della scuola ed offre nuove opportunità per condividere ed imparare. Durante quest’anno scolastico il progetto è stato sperimentato con una classe prima, una seconda e due classi quarte

Da quando è funzionante il vostro progetto?

2011-09-29 22:00:00

Obiettivi ed elementi di innovazione

Edmodo sembra essere più funzionale di altri ambienti di apprendimento (moodle, schoology..) perché è più immediato e più facile da usare, con pochi click si può condividere di tutto. Si può creare una classe in pochi attimi e, attraverso un codice unico, garantire l’iscrizione a tutti gli studenti. Con molta facilità è possibile caricare files di ogni tipo (senza alcun limite di estensione), linkare materiale da risorse esterne. Infine c’è da ricordare la disponibilità gratuita di applicazioni per smartphone e tablet, elemento che ha entusiasmato i ragazzi. Rispetto ad altre piattaforme ha il vantaggio di poter essere utilizzato da chiunque e non richiede particolari conoscenze informatiche, inoltre è presente un “parent code” da poter consegnare ai genitori affinchè possano anche loro accedere alla piattaforma e controllare il lavoro dei ragazzi o comunicare con il docente. Personalmente, con le mie classi, non ho usato questa funzionalità, ho informato i genitori che i ragazzi avrebbero utilizzato questa piattaforma ma non ho consegnato il codice; volevo che i ragazzi si responsabilizzassero durante l’uso dei social network e poiché hanno tutti almeno 15 anni non mi è sembrato necessario lo stretto intervento dei genitori. La funzionalità è comunque interessante specialmente se si lavora con ragazzi più piccoli o con bambini. Con l’uso di EDMODO la lezione non finisce con l’ora di insegnamento in classe ma continua anche oltre l’orario scolastico, i ragazzi possono chiedere chiarimenti, l’insegnante può mostrare a tutti, come esempio di soluzione di un esercizio proposto, il buon lavoro svolto da uno studente, può formare gruppi di studenti all’interno della classe, può chiedere ad un allievo di rendersi disponibile per “spiegare” un esercizio ad un compagno in difficoltà, può correggere gli esercizi di ogni singolo studente prima dello svolgersi della lezione successiva ed inviare suggerimenti per correggere eventuali errori.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Ho proposto il progetto soltanto in alcune delle mie classi per confrontare i risultati ottenuti con questa metodica e quelli ottenuti nelle classi in cui la sperimentazione non è stata effettuata. Ho potuto riscontrare l’instaurarsi di un clima migliore nella classe, di una maggiore partecipazione alle attività, una maggiore puntualità nell’eseguire gli esercizi assegnati a casa. Una classe in particolare, presentava notevoli problemi disciplinari e di applicazione che non sono stati completamente risolti attraverso l’uso di EDMODO, ma sicuramente l’utilizzo della piattaforma ha fatto sentire i ragazzi maggiormente partecipi al gruppo classe ed io, in qualità di docente, li ho potuti monitorare meglio relativamente al lavoro domestico. C’è da rilevare, inoltre, che anche i più svogliati e disinteressati si sono avvicinati con maggiore curiosità alle attività proposte attraverso la piattaforma.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Il progetto è stato proposto a circa 80 ragazzi, che hanno consultato abbastanza regolarmente le pagine di EDMODO ma può essere allargato a tutte le classi e addirittura a tutti gli studenti della scuola.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Da 1 a 3 anni
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Meno di 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Finanziamenti pubblici o privati
Il progetto è economicamente autosufficiente?: 
Since when?: 
2011-09-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Che senza spendere alcuna somma di denaro (ma solamente molto tempo da parte del docente) è possibile portare l’innovazione nella scuola

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
Non ci sono stati particolari ostacoli nella realizzazione del progetto, solo due o tre ragazzi hanno lamentato il fatto di poter accedere ad Edmodo solo durante il week-end, poiché durante la settimana dormivano a casa dei nonni e non avevano disponibile un collegamento internet, quindi usavano edmodo dal telefonino. La “app” per i telefonini permette di visionare i compiti, condividere i dati, ma è meno efficace di quella su computer. Non era disponibile una LIM che avrebbe permesso di condividere tutto il materiale prodotto in classe.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
Mi piacerebbe riproporre il progetto integrando l’uso di una LIM; vorrei che fosse riconosciuto in qualche modo il notevole lavoro aggiuntivo richiesto al docente per gestire le classi con questa metodica, vorrei riuscire ad utilizzarlo con tutte le mie classi.

Paese, Città/Regione

Rionero in Vulture, Basilicata


Nome dell'ente o associazione: 
Istituto Comprensivo " Ex Circolo Didattico" Rionero in Vulture
Contesto dell'ente o dell'associazione che presenta il progetto: 

Sito Web

http://www.scoop.it/t/the-ship-s-logbook-of-the-genius http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p81677

Legge sulla privacy

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Acconsenti al trattamento dei dati personali?: 
Autorizzo la FMD al trattamento dei miei dati personali.

Tipo di progetto

Educazione fino a 10 anni

Descrizione del progetto

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The trip as an instrument of intercultural mediation

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project was started by some needs perceived by some European teachers. Despite the different experiences made in the past, in our classes it is poorly feel the spirit of globalization. The classes see also the presence of some pupils of different nationalities or from socio-culturally disadvantaged families. This led us to feel the need to prepare our students to live in a multicultural and globalized society using an effective and engaging tool. The travel dreams have characterized the boys of every age and every country, but very often in reality it is not carried out for a number of reasons. So many of our students will never see what is happening around the place where they live and they will never know the wonderful city and places in the world. We have therefore thought to help our students to overcome these obstacles using the tools that technology provides us. The basic objective of the project was therefore to introduce the students to different cultures, to understand them and accept them using as a tool for mediation the logbook of trips made ​​by some characters, constructed by the students.
Idea of the project (identification of emerging needs students / teachers);
planning work (objectives-content-methods-time-resources-end product);
research tools available for the best implementation;
processing WebQuest;
choosing the genius representative of its country;
search of informations and presentation of the minigenius to the partner schools;
sending by postal mail of the minigenius;
welcome and familiarization of the minigenius at school;
organization of visits to places the most significant and beautiful in their own country and presentation of foods or typical events;
narration and documentation of experience in the logbook and in TwinSpace;
monitoring and evaluation of the experience and the work done;

Da quando è funzionante il vostro progetto?

2012-06-29 22:00:00

Obiettivi ed elementi di innovazione

To develop attitudes, behaviors, values, knowledge and skills needed to live in a multicultural and globalized world.
To promote intercultural dialogue.
To promote an attitude of respect towards other peoples and other countries, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices.
To improve the teaching and learning of the English language.
To increase the use of the technologies of information and communication.
To improve the relationships and the knowledge among schools in Europe.
To know about important characters or genius in Europe.
To know important and relevant features of some European countries.
To expand the knowledge and experience of all pupils participating in the project, including those with special needs.
To increase motivation and to enhance the quality of learning for all participants.

eTwinning, WEB 2.0 ( photo and video editing, presentations, slides, videoconference...) postal mail


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Travel or go through a journey of others listening to the story, reading a logbook, looking at the images is a way immediate and nice to bring the students to different places, different culture, to admire the beauties of the world and broaden boundaries of their own experience. The project has therefore approached the students to new realities, brought them to understand and accept them and made them travel through a logbook of different characters representing the various countries and various cultures. The results of activities implemented were varied and very interesting. The whole project has further motivated the students as it is served to deepen learnings different from those proposed traditionally at school . Pupils have worked with classmates of foreign schools , exchanging material , creating work together and communicating outside of the design motivations and are thus arrived at concrete and solid friendships . In addition , the students were able to enrich their knowledge in various disciplines such as geography , history , science, art, but also the way they live in a family in a different culture with different traditions, education and thinking. So , collaboration , exchange, sharing, different intercultural approach through communication and information channels most challenging , the need to use a common foreign language ( English ) and the development of specific skills have made this project interesting , functional and appropriate to the objectives. The product is considered to be very good because of the positive impact on students, teachers, parents, community.  At this level of training experience must surely be greatly towards the growth of the students, the development of their ripeness , achieving a greater understanding and awareness of cultural diversity , and thus increase the attention and interest in the school itself, who is the promoter of the complex evolutionary process of students.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Teachers and students of the different partner schools, parents, the school community. Teachers and students provide for sending and receiving of various mini genius, use the tools that the eTwinning portal provides as well as numerous Web 2.0 to narrate and document the several trips made by the minigenius, to communicate with each other or publish on the web. Parents work with pupils at home hosting the minigenius and accompanying children in different trips. The publication of the various activities on the website allows members of the school community to follow and catch up the different travel routes and get to know other cultures and environments.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Da 1 a 3 anni
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Meno di 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Finanziamenti pubblici o privati
Note eventuali: 
Istituto Comprensivo
Il progetto è economicamente autosufficiente?: 
Since when?: 
2014-04-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Ours was an attempt to overcome the various obstacles that prevent students to actually visit a place, to travel, bringing, thanks to the use of technological tools, some elements of the culture and the beauty of the various European countries to the knowing of all. Today we live in a global village where, although we're getting closer thanks to the diffusion of technological tools, tourism or migration processes often do not know enough about the person who stands with us nor his country of origin. Which brings us to look at each other with suspicious eyes. The project has approached the students to different cultures and brought them to understand and accept them. In a playful and enjoyable way pupils have known some important people and the contribution they have given not only to the culture of their country but worldwide; have enhanced their communicative, digital, social, organizational skills;have integrated the concrete experience with the virtual; have acquired basic knowledge and skills to become active and informed citizens in a multicultural and globalized society. Knowing Europe's cultural wealth through direct contact with the partner schools allowed pupils to feel part of Europe, Europeans, surprised by the differences or similarities that gradually showed in the uses and customs. For all these reasons, the project is an example of good practice that can be replicated in other schools

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
It would be desirable that the project was extended to schools in other European countries, and that they were involved a greater number of teachers and pupils, that particularly disadvantaged pupils have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge learned with actual trips, that the field of investigation was extended to other aspects of the culture of the various European countries
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