Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters):
Participating schools or groups are making during project learning materials to about different topics and subjects. Itis possible to integrate project-work with school-curricula, motivate informal learning and participation in local community.
During each activity rapid response (voting) systems (Polleverywhere, Mentimeter, Kahoot etc) will be used. After learnig activities participants have possibility to demonstrate their knowledges in local community, using world-cafe type informal conferences to promote active citizenship. All materials collected and used during project will be available in open-source environments (Udutu Learn etc) for teachers as pedagogical resource, but also for informal learning and also for active particiapation in local community.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters):
We have started the project between two school in Estonia and Faroe islands (from both schools 35 students) - and as students can be the project-managers also, maximum number of participants is not expired.
We will use Skype conferences for preparatory work, also social media for groupworks (Facebook groups, Edmodo),and different mobile apps (EdSelf etc), educational resource cloud services will be used.