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No mutter of cultural, religious, social and ethnic backgrounds we come from, we will break stereotypes in thinking and overcoming prejudices.
The new era students and teachers experience today and they are going to live in later, demand tolerance, solidarity, mutual undertanding and this is possible only when we get closer and knowing to each other. Under this concept 10 European schools plan and develop this project in synergy, creating common goals and positive human values that coincide as European citizens. The overall objective of our project is to enhance the quality of the learning - teaching procedures and to improve the European dimension. In particular, by encouraging cooperation and contributing to develop professional skills of staff directly involved in the school education sector.Furthermore: Promote the values of European citizenship and social cohesion through the development of intercultural competence.Integrate special needs groups, immigrants and minorities to promote equality of opportunity.Using ICT to enhance learning opportunities.Integrate project activities in the daily activities of class.Promote interest in language learning to appreciate linguistic diversity.Gain self-confidence and autonomy through the project activities and foster a positive sense of identity. Learn how to study on a common theme; reflect on issues of common interest. Motivate students and teachers through innovative ICT tools (Wiki, Glogster, Animoto, Youtube, Blogs, Slideshare, Flipbook). Teach how to use Internet in a safe way.Establish stronger links among schools, local community and other local organizations to reinforce awareness of social structure.Promote health education, peace education, environmental care and sustainable development.Motivate teachers to personal development by exchanging teaching techniques.Present this project in the city we live through the TV, newspapers and internet. To share with as many people and to motivate teachers and students and others
Today's societies place great importance on the young people education. This project is expected to allow students to get the maximum development of intellectual, cultural and emotional needs on an individual and social level.
Europe is an example of tolerance, coexistence, and multi-ethnic richness. So the partnership activities will enable students to learn about each others cultures and customs. Both students and teachers involved in this project will be more motivated to learn other languages if they establish contact with native citizens.
Proposed activities will also promote communication, education in human values, development of imagination and creativity. Participants in this project will recognize and appreciate diverse social and ethnic groups and cultural characteristics, evaluating the differences and similarities with other groups and the need to respect human rights. Another result of this European collaboration is the ability to compare different methods of teaching of our educational systems and get a broader perspective breaking stereotypes in thinking and overcoming prejudices
Approximately 3.780 students, teachers, assistants, parents collaborated interacted for the best development of this project, using platforms like Wikispace, Glogster, Animoto,Youtube,Flipbook, Issuu, Skype, Google docs, Dropbox, Twinspace, Blogspot and e-mail communication.
The success-key of this project we believe is the wonderful communication and the creative collaboration among the teachers of the 10!! Schools, which lead the initial planned aims and targets of this project much more higher.