Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters):
<p>Although experimenting since March, 2014, we had a stable concept only by November 2014. In this period, we had many participants at different points of time.</p>
<div align="LEFT" style="margin-right: -0.63in; margin-bottom: 0in">One of the biggest observations made and milestones achieved was the the space could be given away to the participants themselves. Which means that since December 2014 until now, the participants from Banjarapalya village have been running the space, taking care of all requirements of the space in terms of managing the finances, keeping the space clean and work-friendly, maintaining the culture of free speech and exploration, engaging more participants, ensuring safety and constant learning. This was a big breakthrough for us, as this proves that schools do not require teachers and can be run completely by the students themselves.</div>
<div align="LEFT" style="margin-right: -0.63in; margin-bottom: 0in">The process that the space follows that helps it show its impact, is that each participant using the space must document his/her work or project on the internet. Therefore it is possible to see how they are developing and thinking of new ideas, as well as to see how to are becoming more able to explain their ideas. Although the projects are still quite simple the development is visible, even in a short period of six months. It is also interesting to see how the projects are chosen and developed, when no body is telling them exactly what to do. A group of volunteers review the projects and give feedback. Also since the projects are online, they receive feedback from people around the world by means of comments and suggestions. This is highly scalable as now <b>“everyone around the world is measuring their work”</b> and giving their opinion and not just a few experts.</div>
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How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters):
On a monthly basis, we are interacting with at least 50 users of the space. Most of them from the village. Sometimes we also have some visitors who come and work with the village participants or on their own projects or volunteer. The user base is varied and involves variety of ages from 7 to 24 (currently) and has had participants even above the age of 40 in the past.