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This project aims to guide students on a journey, an odyssey and an adventure in the world of classical mythology to discover the pleasure of reading, introduce them to the great wisdom of the past and grasp the character of actuality. Will be offered a range of activities aimed at the achievement of the European key competences and to develop pupils' creativity, critical thinking and ability to solve problems collaboratively
The project is born from the collaboration between some teacher and students belonging to the Institute Comprehensive "Ex Circolo Didattico" of Rionero in Vulture (Italy) and the 1st Primary School New Redestou, Thessaloniki (Greece). The idea that led us to realize this project is the fact that although it is widely recognized the formative importance of the reading, today's students continue to show little interest in this type of activity. Overcoming the traditional approach instrumental and technicist this project, by creating a learning environment motivating and collaborative, involves students in a series of creative and fun activities such as to involve them in their emotional, cognitive, communicative, relational, social sphere and turn their indifference to love for reading. Reading the book it has been integrated by the use of modern languages of communication and creatively reworked. Starting from the reading of the classical myths the students refined and processed informations, identified linkages and relationships, communicated and collaborated, made a path that led them to the creative use of writing. Through a series of tasks based and collaborative problem solving activities pupils were led to some important classical Greek and Roman myths, their heroes and characters to reflect on the values that they passed on to find in them a safe compass for orientation in a society based on insecurity, on appearance, and built on a value system increasingly tenuous, which is one in which we live. The collaboration and, therefore, the implementation of the project was realized according to the following plan Project [1] Pupils have collaborated following the directions that were provided to them through the allocation of tasks and shown in the following page [2]
OBIETTIVI: - ability to search - language skills - organizational skills - ICT skills - interpersonal skills - emotional skills - social skills - ability to solve problems collaboratively - creativity - metacognition - motivation - learn to learn - initiative and resourcefulness MEZZI:The TwinSpace of eTwinning and the collaborative tools of Web 2.0 have given the possibility of creating a highly collaborative environment. In particular, the students have used Google Drive to present classical myths and create modern ones working in small international groups, Stepmap for the realization of a geographical map, Slidely for sharing photos; Educaplay, Quizworks Quiz Maker, Quiz revolution, Edpuzzle for creating games and quizzes; Tagul and AnswerGarden for wordclouds; Padlet and Lino for brainstorming; Windows Movie Maker and Imovie for creating video, Stickymoose for voting.
Teachers and students of the different partner schools, parents, the school community. The teachers have collaborated in the organization of the project, in the mediation with pupils, in the continuous monitoring of the same to check the progress of the activities and whether the planned proceeds smoothly. Continuously, even several times a week, teachers exchanged email to realize the performance of the project in different schools. The proposed activities were task based and collaborative problem solving Depending on the needs and the type of activities the students have worked in small international groups or group class. The publication of the various activities on the website allows members of the school community to follow and catch up the different activities
The project guides others, especially young people, to rediscover the taste and the pleasure of reading. Like fairy tales and cartoons or adventure film , also classical myths introduce the reader into a fantasy world full of adventures and new situations, can make him feel emotions and feelings, can make him dream. These myths contain a great lesson of wisdom that can still serve today to orient ourselves in the world in which we live. The project offers a journey which, starting from the reading of classical myths, through a series of activities of analysis, reflection, relationship, similarities, creation, the pupil becomes from user stories written by others in the maker and creator of modern myths. It offers an example of how the reading activity can be the starting point for a range of activities that involve the student as a whole, crucial to developing the 21st century skills and form an active, critical, creative individual, able to fit in a propulsive in the society in which he lives.