Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters):
<p>This project has allowed the students to develop the main 21st century competences through a variety of activities. The results of the activities implemented are published in the eTwinning Twinspaces. The activities were continuously monitored through: observation of social behavior and cognitive, which take into account the level of participation, commitment, personal responsibility and mutual support in the various activities; conversations and discussions to see the changes that this experience has made compared to previous knowledge, the degree of awareness achieved by pupils with the proposed topics and learning strategies used; peer to peer review: final product. At the end of the school year the students have made a video in which talked about the significance of the experience and with the teachers have carried out a SWOT analysis that identified the strengths and weaknesses with a view to a possible improvement next year The experience was positive for the teachers as well, who have had the chance to experience new and exciting ways to interact with each other and met to discuss new teaching methods. enriching and growing professionally. Thanks to their mediation and the sharing of work done, they were organized meetings with the school community, the whole school community has benefited.</p>
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters):
Teachers and students of the different partner schools, parents, the school community. The teachers have collaborated in the organization of the project, in the mediation with pupils, in the continuous monitoring of the same to check the progress of the activities and whether the planned proceeds smoothly. Continuously, even several times a week, teachers exchanged email to realize the performance of the project in different schools. The proposed activities were task based and collaborative problem solving Depending on the needs and the type of activities the students have worked in small international groups or group class. The publication of the various activities on the website allows members of the school community to follow and catch up the different activities