Creating around Music

Paese, Città/Regione

Francavilla in Sinni (PZ)/ Basilicata


Nome dell'ente o associazione: 
Istituto Comprensivo “Don Bosco”:Scuola Sec. Di I g. “Don Bosco”/Sc. Primaria “A. Ciancia”/ / Sc. Dell’Infanzia “G. Rodari”
Contesto dell'ente o dell'associazione che presenta il progetto: 
The project has been developped during the curricular activities and didn’t need any funding.

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Tipo di progetto

Educazione fino ai 15 anni

Descrizione del progetto

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

All types of school collaborate all together , through Music,around the same topic.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project idea and the aim had origin from the will of teachers of different grade of school to make work that unites all types of school (pre-primary, primary and low secondary school). As our Low Secondary School is a school music-oriented and our students are individually guided to learn to play 4 musical instruments, music will be the pivot of its various activities. Many teachers of our and of the partner schools are involved (Pietro Cantisani- Maria Rachele Ciancia - Beatrice David_:ICS "Don Bosco" di Francavilla in Sinni - Plesso Secondaria di I Grado, Francavilla in Sinni (PZ), Italia; Gina Antonietta Mango– Filomena Donato - Mariangela Placanico - Angela Maria Tricarico – Ciancia Innocenza – Martino Giuseppina: ICS "Don Bosco" di Francavilla in Sinni - Plesso Primaria "A. Ciancia", Francavilla in Sinni (PZ), Italia; Anna Maria Fortunato: ICS "Don Bosco" di Francavilla in Sinni - Plesso dell'Infanzia "G. Rodari", Francavilla in Sinni (PZ), Italia; K.Belgin Saka Üstünel :YENİ TURAN İLKOKULU, ANKARA, Turchia; Thomas Duggan: St. Brendan's N.S., Co. Kilkenny, Irlanda.)In its development some small melodies, inclusive of chord for the accompaniment , will be produced by the pupils. On these “shared notes” each partner will create rhymes, poems, games, sequences of words and numbers. The music , produced in digital format (midi or audio), may be also used as a background for animations of stories and tales.. Through all that, children are guided to achieve different abilities in various primary school subjects , the improvement of their taste and of their abilities in Music and to the functional usage of English Language and new technologies. The most innovative and creative elements of the project are the comparison with foreign pupils and teachers, the usage of ICT to communicate, as well as the usage of the twinspace .

Da quando è funzionante il vostro progetto?

2013-02-27 23:00:00

Obiettivi ed elementi di innovazione

vedi form allegato


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
The most relevant general result is the discovery of the possibility to pass all the subject knowledge related to the project topic using Music and English language and to share and compare everything with the foreign partners using English language and the new technologies. In particular we highlight: Refinement of the teachers capability to collaborate and to co-operate and interact with the other school operators and with other school methodologies. In particular, the improvement of their competences in Music and in the usage of the ICT and of English language. Motivation for the children that show interest for all the musical activities and discover the possibility to learn and achieve the subject objectives working around Music. Working at the project they also improve their abilities in English language and in the usage of the ICT, through which they compare their discoveries and interests with the partners. The criteria We used to evaluate the results is the observation of the improvement of children’s motivation in all the provided project activities and the consequent achieved abilities .
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Monthly all the registered partners interacted with the project through the collaboration on the Etwinning platform.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Da 1 a 3 anni
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Meno di 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Il progetto è economicamente autosufficiente?: 
Since when?: 
2015-08-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
The project has been contemporary replicated in all the partner schools through the collaboration on the Etwinning platform.
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

How to improve collaborations among different European schools , children’s motivation and abilities and to pass subject knowledge in a creative and easy way.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
In fact we did not have particular difficulties, the project was easily implemented in schools and most of the partners have actively participated in various initiatives proposed. The only drawback: the lack of classroom technology equipment suitable for a more active and direct collaboration and communication between pupils from different schools.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
For the future we would like to continue with this project or activate a similar one and program and implement joint activities without charge due to technological deficiencies. We Need some small grant to equip the classroom tablet for pupils. Organizing physical exchanges between partner students and teachers would be, however, the main ambition.