mobile applications

Project Location

Sannicola (LE)


Organization Name: 
Vesepia s.r.l.s.
Organization Type: 
Progetto completamente autofinanziato


Privacy Law

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Project Type

Education up to 15 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Vesepia, casa editrice e di produzione audio, presenta una novità editoriale: il Romanzo Sinfonico. Si tratta di un libro cartaceo interattivo la cui storia inedita è arricchita da colonne sonore o brani cantati originali che ne amplificano le emozioni. I QRcodes presenti sulle pagine di maggior pathos, scansionati con l’app Vesepia (per Android o iOS), permettono al lettore di accedere a vari contenuti digitali come i brani musicali composti appositamente per quel momento narrativo.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

L’idea nasce da Lorenzo Palumbo (editore e libero professionista nel ramo marketing laureato in economia) e Giacomo Sances (professore, scrittore, compositore e dottore di ricerca in musicologia). I due hanno voluto sviluppare un “musical su carta”, ossia un romanzo con colonne sonore e brani cantati utili a ricreare l’atmosfera sonora che permette al lettore di calarsi in un romanzo anche a livello uditivo. L’idea è stata concretizzata tramite l’utilizzo di QRcodes che, stampati sulle pagine del libro, permettono di accedere a contenuti multimediali come video, pagine web, immagini, sempre associati a colonne sonore e canzoni che cambiano genere e stile a seconda del contesto emotivo vissuto dal lettore in determinati frangenti della storia letta. Per rendere funzionali i QRcodes è stata sviluppata l’app Vesepia che è sempre in continua evoluzione. Il Romanzo Sinfonico di Vesepia è stato adottato dalle scuole per via dei messaggi motivazionali, dell’integrazione della tecnologia ad un prodotto cartaceo tradizionale e dei contenuti didattici, complice la multidisciplinarietà del romanzo che pone attenzione alle varie intelligenze degli studenti. Un romanzo di Vesepia non è solo “ora di italiano” (semplice lettura e sviluppo di guide didattiche). È anche educazione artistica (per via delle immagini), informatica (grazie all’interazione con il digitale), educazione musicale (con le colonne sonore da ascoltare e le canzoni da cantare), educazione alle emozioni (con “laboratori emozionali” che mirano alla condivisione delle emozioni suscitate dalla musica) e teatro (con spettacoli teatrali e laboratori realizzati e con la rivisitazione teatrale dei romanzi adottati dalle varie classi, svolti anche come compiti di realtà).

How long has your project been running?

2016-05-01 00:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

L’obiettivo principale di Vesepia è quello di aumentare il numero di lettori volontari. Paradossalmente si intende risvegliare il gusto della lettura del cartaceo per mezzo del digitale, soprattutto nei giovani. L’esperimento sta avendo successo: insegnanti e dirigenti confermano un aumento della lettura spontanea anche da parte dei ragazzi meno interessati ai libri. Inoltre la multidisciplinarietà artistica resa possibile dalle innovazioni del digitale e dallo strumento del QRcode permette di realizzare un prodotto ipertestuale che stimola il giovane d’oggi, totalmente a suo agio in un mondo virtuale fatto di link tra varie discipline. Gli strumenti per raggiungere questi obiettivi sono: il libro cartaceo e uno smartphone (o tablet) per poter ascoltare i brani musicali (originali) attraverso l’app Vesepia.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
I risultati che si basano su dati ufficiali dimostrano che nel primo anno di attività la start-up Vesepia ha portato il Romanzo Sinfonico Un sogno per Feo in circa 50 scuole di cui circa 20 hanno strutturato un percorso di lettura su questo romanzo e 6 scuole hanno messo in scena la versione teatrale dell’opera. Ad oggi Vesepia ha sviluppato due nuovi romanzi e punta ad raggiungere un’estensione geografica maggiore sia in termini di distribuzione scolastica che di punti vendita, in quanto ad oggi i prodotti Vesepia sono reperibili solo presso un centinaio di punti vendita salentini. Nel primo anno, infatti, Vesepia non ha puntato sull’e-commerce e ha diffuso il romanzo quasi esclusivamente nell’area del Salento. Ma nel prossimo futuro è opportuno estendere i confini dell’area di vendita. Oltre ai dati numerici, è importante sottolineare anche risultati non facilmente calcolabili a livello numerico: come già detto, insegnanti e dirigenti constatano e riferiscono un aumento del numero di giovani lettori appassionati alla lettura grazie a questa nuova modalità.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Le interazioni degli utenti sono essenzialmente l’acquisto dei libri, la lettura e le connessioni al server dell’app gratuita Vesepia, che ad oggi calcola 2.554 installazioni su Android e 681 su iOS. Basandosi sul primo anno di attività della start-up, si calcola una media di circa 215 utenti mensili. Sarà utile sviluppare blog e pagine social in cui gli appassionati potranno interagire.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
More than 6 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 10.001 to 30.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2017-11-01 00:00:00
When is it expected to become self-sufficient?: 
2017-11-01 00:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
Ad oggi l’idea di Vesepia è originale e non è mai stata replicata, adottata, né trasferita altrove nella forma da noi utilizzata. Tuttavia l’azienda si propone di sviluppare in questa modalità non solo romanzi ma anche dei testi di didattica per l’educazione musicale come strumenti di supporto ai docenti.
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Dai progetti Vesepia e dagli obiettivi conseguiti dagli stessi, è facile comprendere come la lettura, coadiuvata e arricchita da altre forme artistiche erogate da mezzi digitali , è diventata un’esperienza plurisensoriale molto stimolante per i giovani aumentando in loro il desiderio di leggere e sviluppando più aspetti della loro capacità cognitiva.

Un’altra lezione molto importante da apprendere è che lettura e musica sono legate dalle stesse emozioni che entrambe possono trasmettere in un preciso momento di un racconto.

Infine smartphone e tablet non sono tecnologie da demonizzare all’interno di un contesto scolastico ma possono diventare dei validi strumenti educativi.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
Una barriera che il team di Vesepia sta fronteggiando sono i limiti economici di una startup: siano essi i compensi da destinare alle singole risorse professionali o gli introiti da devolvere allo sviluppo software, digitale e editoriale di ogni prodotto che si intenda realizzare e diffondere. Con la crescita della rete commerciale questa barriera presto sarà superata. Un’ulteriore barriera da abbattere è la distribuzione fisica dei libri, che al momento è ancora limitata ad un ambito provinciale ma che di giorno in giorno continua ad espandersi.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
I progetti futuri si diversificano in tre ambiti: sviluppo software, nuove pubblicazioni, crescita del brand e della rete commerciale. - la realizzazione di 2 nuovi Romanzi Sinfonici: uno sull'integrazione delle culture e l'altro sulla disfatta di Caporetto e la reazione patriottica degli italiani. - Per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo software è in atto una collaborazione con AWR MED, una spin-off dell'Università del Salento, che porterà ad un potenziamento dell'app Vesepia con contenuti in realtà aumentata e realtà virtuale. - Potenziamento del Social Marketing per la diffusione nazionale del Romanzo Sinfonico e trovare distributori per commerciare il prodotto in tutto il territorio nazionale.

Project Location



Organization Name: 
“Lyuben Karavelov” Regional Library - Ruse
Organization Type: 
Public Institution


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type


Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

“FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR CHILDREN - ACCESSIBLE AND FUNNY” Project aimed at promoting opportunities of mobile devices and applications for managing personal finances.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Technological progress and new electronic channels increase the range of services and ways of their offering. Meanwhile, financial products remain complex and incomprehensible for the average user. Researches by the World Bank for Bulgaria indicate a low level of culture in the finance field. A study by VIZA reveals that 67% of people put on the second place the development of good personal financial skills among personal safety. This led us to the realization in 2013 completely innovative project in Bulgaria for financial literacy of persons over 18 years. In feedbacks 70% of participants reported that one of the important things for them is to teach their children how to recognize the real needs and not to be confused with caprice, how to spend wisely and live within their means and they recommended trainings for the acquisition of basic financial knowledge about their children to be organized.
To meet the identified needs in partnership with UniCredit Bulbank we developed a project aimed to create a modern, accessible and innovative environment for children and youth, to acquire basic financial literacy and the formation of conscious future users by means of ICT. The proposal has been approved for a grant from EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme.
In the course of the project an interactive centre in the Library is equipped and the trainer’s capacity in initial financial literacy for children and youth is built. Training programs for 4 ateliers are developed-"Mom`s and Dad`s Money", "Moneys’ time" and "Money-how to use" and Youth Studio, where in a fun and attractive way and through mobile devices and applications, participants are introduced to the basic financial terms and services. The theme actuality, build capacity, training programs, methods in conducting ateliers, attracted the community attention. The interest in trainings is high and classes continue at the Library.

How long has your project been running?

2014-04-29 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

The project main aim is: Acquisition of basic financial knowledge and practical skills in the use of mobile applications by children and young people through funny and attractive trainings in modern information and communication technologies.
Specific objectives
Application of modern technologies for the formation of future financial aware consumers;
Raising awareness of young people in using financial products and services;
Promotion of the library as the only public organization conducting activities in the acquisition of basic financial knowledge and skills based on modern information and communication technologies;
Creating a sustainable model of an innovative environment in public libraries.
To achieve them was developed and implemented an innovative service in public cultural institution - library - namely free training in initial financial literacy. An interactive educational environment is built, including tablets, smartphones, laptops, desktop computers and interactive whiteboard. The technical tools are used as a medium for the transfer of knowledge and information; the methods of presentation and visualization are applied. A trainer’s capacity in initial financial literacy for children and youth is built. A dynamic model of offering service by means of modern technologies is created. The materials and resources are available through a subdomain of the project, Slide Share and You Tube platforms of library and can be used by those who wish to develop a similar service. The classes are held in an informal setting. Role-playing games and simulations that encourage direct communication, dialogue and discussion are applied.
There were trainings on financial literacy games - "Cash Flow" and "Smart money" where the participants are applied the acquired during the workshops knowledge. They visit a bank office, where they are introduced to POS, ATM devices and services. The project was presented at 12 international, national and regional meetings.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
To report of quantitative and qualitative indicators we have been developed and conducted 7 surveys (2 incoming and 2 outgoing for children; 1 for parents and 1 incoming and outgoing for youth). The data from daily Library statistic is used. The visits to the site and social media are reported. To establish on-going satisfaction we conduct informal conversations with participants and indirect beneficiaries (parents, friends, visitors). Before the training start most said that they use mobile devices only for communication (telephone and Facebook). At the end participants demonstrate increased awareness of basic financial concepts and practical skills in mobile applications use. The acquired knowledge is a prerequisite for building financially responsible future users. As a result of the activities: - 233 children and youth have established habits for responsible attitude to personal finance and skills to manage them with the help of modern technology. Those, who passed classes in the ateliers know and use today's mobile applications for private and family budget, use online products and services (online banking, etc.); - in Public Library was permanently introduced an innovative to Bulgaria service for children and youth-training in initial financial literacy by means of modern technology. The experience is handed over to colleagues from other settlements; - the confidence to the library is increased as constantly growing organization establishment complying with public needs. New partner organizations are attracted (schools of the region, an insurance company, and sewing company); - The project was presented at the international, national and regional meetings, including Conference of the Financial Supervision Commission and the World Bank. The participation in forums attract the college attention to problems whose solution are target the project activities
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Total 233 children and youth - 20 per month. Children under 14 prefer group activities in workshops and youth – to play "Cash flows". By the parents request training for them in managing personal finances was conducted. There is an interest in extending the topics.
Volunteers: participate with expertise in training, advertising campaign.
Librarians: the project is aware of more than 900 participants in conferences and meetings (over 70 per month). Used presentations – for 10 months were seen 600 times (60 per month).


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 10.001 to 30.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-06-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
• The Library to "Hristo Botev"community center - Slivo pole, Ruse District. In 2015, two trainings in initial financial literacy were conducted: - 11 librarians of Slivo pole Municipality; - 11 children from Slivo pole and the village of Novo Selo Classes are held in the library of trainers from "Lyuben Karavelov" Regional library– Ruse • In the library to “Svetlina – 1929” community center г.” in Trud village , Plovdiv district, where Fun Fin project is presented. The proposal was developed by Tanya Ilieva and Stoyne Vassilev by Able Mentor program.
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

The right choice of partner influenced greatly to the success of the project.
In this project an exceptional help and support the employees of UniCredit Bulbank - Ruse branch proved us. The realization of "FUNNY FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH" is an example of practical action for the society benefit to achieve financial stability and overcome the problems of financial exclusion. As a result the libraries are recognized as a partner that supports the bank activities. A partnership between the financial and public sectors is building. The trainings have helped to change attitudes towards smart technology. Mainly by means of communication, participants gained practical skills to use smart devices for more useful and practical things like calculating the family budget, online banking and more. In the feedback participants say that they have increased their knowledge about the capabilities of mobile devices in the field not only of finance, but as part of the daily life of modern man.
As a result the 233 children and youth have gained knowledge to make informed decisions when planning their personal finances, habits and confidence in the use of advanced technologies and services in the financial sector, skills in choosing the right product which meets their personal needs. They mastered financial terminology, products and services that will be routine for them in the near future.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
• Financial terminology and unknown matter – before the project team was difficult task to involve children in an unfamiliar material. For this purpose we prepared attractive interactive training materials, created a suitable environment for the training of target groups and ensured visiting a bank office of all participants in the ateliers. With the assistance of employees, there they could learn about the services and part of the financial instruments that banks use and why it is important to be financially literate; • Dynamics of groups – participants were active and shared to their classmates and friends for their visits to the ateliers. This led to an increase the number of those who willing, when the ateliers had begun. Colleagues, trainers and volunteers successfully adapt to the new situation and did not return any child or youth;
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
We anticipate that this project will have the national significance. The classes in funny financial literacy will be available in all Bulgarian libraries. We plan librarians-trainers from "Lyuben Karavelov" Regional library to train librarians from other public libraries and continue to do trainings for children in other places. For the realization of our plans we need funding for trainers (contracts, travel, subsistence), and creating a mobile studio to conduct training.
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