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The students of the school Gymnsieskolan Knut Hahn in Ronneby, Sweden, have been taught how to build simple robots using Little bits and trash within the EU-project Make:Learn:Share:Europe. The students then went along and taught primary school students how to build "shitty robots". The students of Gymnasieskolan Knut Hahn also taught students with migrant background who are about to enter secondary school how to make "shitty robots" as well.
Watch a clip of the student of Gymnasieskolan Knut Hahn making their own "shitty robots": [1]
Students teaching students how to make simple robots using trash.
To enforce and promote peer-to-peer learning and make the sharing culture a natural part of the students every day life.
5-10 ambassadors teaching about 15-30 other students via workshops at the school.
It's really simple to set up a learning environment like this and the students love it. All schools should inspire to peer-to-peer learning like this or in simular fashion.