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The project aims to involve students and teachers in a partnership with the characteristics of a modern international enterprise, to prepare new generation to the challenge of the actual labour market. The partners bring their different skills (Mechanics and Electronics Poland, Informatics and Artificial Intelligence Italy) in an international cooperation with the clear goal to develop a robot to take part in the RoboCup Junior 2016 in two years.
The immediate need for starting the international cooperation and writing the project is one of the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme, such as development of young people of our schools in different areas of education, the desire to understand other cultures and establish new friendships based on common interests, the necessity of promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in young people.
Also the willing to increase our effort in the Robotics engagement, as our schools have been working in this field for years in different direction. Now the students and teachers desire is to take part to the Worldwide RoboCup junior 2016. As in our schools there are not all the necessary resources to develop a complete robot, for example the Italian partner school has not a Mechanics department, we decided to look for partners abroad, aiming at a double challenge: the Robotics competition and, on the other side, the challenge to work with people far away from us, like in the modern globalized labour market. So we decided to achieve that giving us the structure of a modern international enterprise, studying the laws that regulate them, and following the normal procedure followed to manage an international project.
The partners bring their different skills (Mechanics and Electronics Poland, Informatics and Artificial Intelligence Italy) in an international cooperation with the clear goal to develop a robot to take part in the RoboCup Junior 2016 in two years.
To obtain this result students will be involved in all the steps necessary to set up and manage a company in their country and a joint venture with two EU co-venturers.
Teachers of different subjects are engaged. Students with different skills and age work together. There are two partners involved in the project, Italy and Poland Italy, the language of communication is English.
The main objectives our project is focused on, are:
-introduce students to the typical structure of a modern international enterprise;
-give them the chance to appreciate the importance of English;
-let them take part in a challenge with people with a common goal, as it happens to people in society or work framework, trying to make students more responsible;
-give teacher the chance to start working with CLIL.
- acquire Robotics skills.
Our schools already have Robotics clubs, students already take part to Robotics competitions, they have curricular lesson on Robotics. But with this project they can realize that a long term plan and an organization is necessary to reach an important goal and appreciate the need of rules and responsibility inside a group to make the group work. They can also learn to get acquainted with laws and procedures needed to set up a national and international company and try to set up the work environment. With this project they can be aware of the reason for joining far away living people to overcome difficulties and reach a goal and fully appreciate and experiment several aspects of working together in an international environment.
The core of the project is setting up an enterprise, so we follow the typical way of working of the productive world. Any partner sets up a company with its organizational chart, with specific tasks and responsibility for any students taking part in the project. Pupils have to take care of the different aspects of management and planning and production, teachers act as supervisors and guides. Students work is supervised by local coordinators. Students exchange information through modern means of transmission (telephony-including VoIP tech., Skype), video conferencing, email, instant messaging, website. Cooperation will be obtained also with frequent access to the website itself, which will become the place where students and teachers virtually meet and work together.
The students (30) and teachers (4) involved follow the typical way of working of the productive world. Any partner sets up a company with specific tasks and responsibility for any students. Pupils have to take care of the different aspects of management and planning and production, teachers act as supervisors and guides. Students exchange information in electronic way, through modern means of transmission (telephony-including VoIP tech., Skype), video conferencing, email, instant messaging, website.
Any product of the project will be free and useable from anyone interested in the subjects we will cover. Any drawing, electronic project, software will be available as Open Educational Resource, in an electronic format compatible with at least one Open Source/free software, stored in the project website and organized to be easily traced.