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Online education tools to build skills of young people in project management, social media and fundraising in order to implement their own innovative initiatives.
The Global Changemakers model is unique in it's kind as it provides a round approach that goes from identifying promising talent, enhancing their capacity through training, tools and connections to supporting their initiatives. Changemakers are running successful, ground breaking initiatives. Since 2007 Global Changemakers has been working with the most talented youth Globally and we have developed online educational materials that allow young people to learn the necessary skills to design and implement their own world-changing ideas. Since April 2014 Global Changemakers has worked on translating this tools to be able to reach out to more youth. We have just finished the Italian version of this proven and unique tools.
Through the use of our tools we want to allow young people to design and implement innovative ideas that have a positive impact in their communities and the world at large. The tools are interactive and open source downloads that guide young people step by step in defining, designing, implementing and promoting these type of projects. They have educational videos and real examples of our Global Changemakers who have run successful and innovative world-changing projects.
- 200,000 people were directly involved in Changemakers' activities
- 4 million people were beneficiaries of Changemakers projects
- the global interaction is mostly online (through Facebook, Twitter and our Website), however the projects lead by the changemakers are on the ground and mostly grass- root face to face activities.
Engaging young people in project work is not a new phenomenon. Traditionally, however, a youth project has been one that is conceived (and typically implemented) by adults on behalf of young beneficiaries. The Global Changemakers approach enabling young people to develop their own strategies for issues that they care about has proven to be highly effective.
Once selected and trained, the Global Changemakers are allowed to apply for funds to start up their own initiatives. So far we have supported 280 projects world-wide. Most of the members of our network, have however initiated projects of their own, finding funding from different sources, but supported and mentored by the Global Changemakers network and partners.
After the event has taken place, we will open a call for applications for projects from participants to propose initiatives to bring about positive changes in their communities. The projects will be conducted by the Changemakers but mentoring and follow up from the core team and partners will be provided.