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”Small artists” it is first part of a series of 3 blogs class blog who whant to show to student's parents their first steps in ”the wonderful world of school”.
The blog was created in order to create a bridge between school and parents. On the blog are the activities made with the students who starting when they have only 6-7 years old during the first grade and its continuation by other 2 blogs for second and third grade. I switched from simple interagency activities, knowledge and communication such as firs prom and I continued with the Digital Story Telling, educational projects, parties, performances, educational activities and the promotion of talented children, finally rewarded with prizes. I think that our work can be an exemple of good practice.
- to comunicate with parents in a innovative way;
- to encourage expression and communication of students;
- to share their activities with friends and families.
We have 23-27 students and at least 46-54 parents who interact with our blogs monthly by comments, live feedback, sharing small movies, slide shows and photos with friends and families.
My activities from the blogs are a form of creative communication who aims expression in an original manner and facilitates better understanding of the message. A creative community primarily means to think creatively. Whether it is in relationships with colleagues or in family contexts, the quality of communication with others depends on the quality of thought. The teacher is the artist that shape and stimulates creative thinking child it depends on the children’s development. The contemporary education must be adapted to the age of children to stimulate their interest and to achieve goals. In my opinion, this means the combination of some elements of the game, good cheer, with useful information about the life and activities of children everywhere. When students learn differently, become more creative, more motivated, aware that they can claim their work, they can cooperate with others that have different learning opportunities in new contexts.