Project Location

Francavilla in Sinni (PZ)/ Basilicata


Organization Name: 
Istituto Comprensivo “Don Bosco”:Scuola Primaria "A. Ciancia"
Organization Type: 
The project has been developped during the curricular activities and didn’t need any funding.


Privacy Law

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Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Children of all the schools exchange experiences and information, through photos, drawings, videos and other tools, about their school context, themselves and the various common situations they live at school ;show each other and compare their way to be citizens in Europe and pick up differences and similarities.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project idea has been conceived in collaboration with the partner school teacher and developed by the following schools: Gina Antonietta Mango -Filomena Donato: ICS "Don Bosco" di Francavilla in Sinni - Plesso Primaria "A. Ciancia", Francavilla in Sinni (PZ), Italia; Katarzyna Ernest-Małecka - Jarosława Pyrzyk - Tamara Żuchowska: Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11 im. Pabla Nerudy w Toruniu, Toruń, Polonia.The purpose of the project is to guide the children to the gradual consciousness of being little European citizens and school with the same needs, rights and duties of their pair in the other countries.Children of all the schools exchange experiences and information, through photos, drawings, videos and other tools, about their school context, themselves and the various common situations they live at school. They show each other and compare their way to be citizens in Europe and pick up differences and similarities .All that in a most wider educational contest where they work together to achieve correct habits of behaviour. The most innovative and creative elements of the project are the comparison with foreign pupils and teachers, the usage of English language and of ICT to communicate and to make multimedia productions and of the Twinspace and other tools available on web to share them.The collaboration with the colleague in the partner school is intense and constant in all the phases of the project thanks to the usage of emails and of the twinspace. We collaborate in the planning of the modules and in the realization of the expected activities and often the collaboration goes over the project activities and also provide exchanges of letters and didactic materials. In many particular cases ,students exchange each other letters, cards and other to be completed by snail mail. Students and teachers of all the schools work together on the twinspace ,both in a complementary that parallel way, and exchanged and compared what they make through the publishing on the twinspace of videos , images and little texts.

How long has your project been running?

2012-10-30 23:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

The project promotes the achievement of important objectives in order to European citizenship: promoting the consciousness of being European citizens - Comparing differences and similarities – improving Language competences – improving the usage of ICT.As the project was developed in an etwinning school team ,all the activities , absolutely integrated in the subject curriculum, were planned and made in collaboration with the school colleague referring everything to the lessons we teach. We chose together the topics, the activities, the tools and worked together in the classroom with the children. The involved school subjects are; Citizenship and Constitution/social Studies, Italian, English, Geography, Art, Informatics.
The project is organized in different but complementary modules and the phases of our works are the followings:
Exchange of information about their own school context – Exchange of information about themselves – comparison of different contexts and information and highlighting of differences and similarities- exchange of different way to solve similar situations in the different schools . We take photos and produce drawings about all activities carried out, then we scan and used them with voices and music to create videos using Windows Movie Maker that finally we uploaded on You tube and embed in the twinspace blog or web content tool. In detail the tools we used are : hardware( PC, IWB, scanner, Digital Audio Recorder, camera, Data traveler ),different software (PDF, PowerPoint, Widows Movie Maker to make videos video with photos and drawings), Publication on web ( You Tube, Tripwow Animoto…), TwinSpace ( blogs, forum, web content, file archive, image gallery, wiki on which we create a space for common activities).


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
The most relevant general result is the discovery of the possibility for teachers and students to collaborate with other schools improving knowledge and competences. In particular we highlight:  Refinement of the teacher’s class team’s capability to collaborate, co-operate and interact each other and with the other school operators and different school methodologies and organizations and the improvement of their competences in the usage of the ICT and English Language.  Definitely positive results with the children: they feel themselves and all the partners as European citizens and can share each other feelings, sensations, experiences and information and compare them picking up differences and similarities through the usage of the English Language and of the new technologies. Otherwise, Without any doubt the collaboration with the class partner enriched and improved the project whether for the most accurate organization or for the more variety of the activities and tools.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Monthly all the registered partners interacted with the project through the collaboration on the Etwinning platform.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Scuola Primaria "A. Ciancia"
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-07-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
The project has been contemporary replicated in all the partner schools through the collaboration on the Etwinning platform.
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

How to improve collaborations among different European schools , children’s motivation and abilities and to pass subject knowledge in a creative and easy way.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
In fact we did not have particular difficulties, the project was easily implemented in schools and most of the partners have actively participated in various initiatives proposed. The only drawback: the lack of classroom technology equipment suitable for a more active and direct collaboration and communication between pupils from different schools.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
For the future we would like to continue with this project or activate a similar one and program and implement joint activities without charge due to technological deficiencies. We Need some small grant to equip the classroom with tablet for pupils. Organizing physical exchanges between partner students and teachers would be, however, the main ambition.

Project Location

Polignano a Mare (Ba)


Organization Name: 
Gaetano Simone
Organization Type: 
Private Institution


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 15 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

La prima APP mobile che permette agli studenti di violoncello di studiare il più importante e usato metodo di violoncello al mondo, il "Violoncell Schule" di Friederich Dotzauer del 1832, con il supporto del pianoforte che li accompagna mentre suonano, migliorando senso ritmico e dell'intonazione in maniera semplice e divertente.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

L'idea è nata da me, come insegnante di violoncello (ancora precario nel 2015) presso le scuole medie ad indirizzo musicale della Pubblica Istruzione in Puglia. Avendo bisogno, i miei studenti, di una valida motivazione per studiare a casa e di un supporto che desse l'opportunità di sviluppare intonazione e ritmo su uno strumento difficile ma altrettanto meraviglioso quale è il violoncello ed avvalendomi di un metodo storico come il "Dotzauer" che ha formato generazioni e generazioni di violoncellisti in quasi due secoli di storia musicale senza mai perdere assolutamente la sua valenza didattica col passare del tempo, ho cominciato nel 2012 a sviluppare i primi accompagnamenti digitali di pianoforte sulla base dei duetti per due violoncelli già presenti nel metodo, lasciando inalterata la parte riservata allo studente e trasformando la parte del secondo violoncello, riservata al docente, in piano digitale con parte "arpeggiata" e "armonizzata". Dopo aver sperimentato didatticamente questo progetto ed avendo avuto il consenso dei ragazzi, ho pensato di trasferire tutti questi contenuti su una APP Open Source scaricabile direttamente sui telefonini Android oppure visualizzabile in forma on-line su qualsiasi altro dispositivo. Oggi i ragazzi che hanno cominciato a studiare con me il violoncello con questo metodo storico innovato suonano in maniera sciolta e consapevole ed è di poco fa la notizia che due di essi che hanno scelto il Liceo Musicale hanno passato le selezioni con il massimo dei voti.

How long has your project been running?

2012-10-30 23:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

L'obiettivo principale è l'apprendimento della tecnica violoncellistica e del solfeggio attraverso un metodo di grande tradizione ed usato in tutti i conservatori del mondo ma con una grossa innovazione digitale (i contenuti nella APP disponibile e gratis per tutti) e metodologica (gli accompagnamenti del pianoforte digitale, mai sperimentato prima). Gli accompagnamenti sono stati tutti sviluppati da me grazie alle mie competenze di armonia e composizione per ragazzi acquisite nel corso dei miei studi e della mia esperienza sul campo; la APP è stata sviluppata da me attraverso i tutorial disponibili on-line ed una piattaforma di sviluppo gratuita che dà la possibilità di aggiornare sempre e comunque i contenuti della APP senza costi. Nell'applicazione è presente solamente un pulsante collegato al mio account PAYPAL per una eventuale donazione che l'utente volesse fornire allo scopo di reinvestire questo denaro ed immettere la APP sugli store più blasonati quali i-Tunes o Google Play.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
I migliori risultati raggiunti sono la consapevolezza strumentale che da subito acquisisce l'allievo che fa uso giornaliero della APP, il senso del ritmo e dell'intonazione sviluppato grazie ad essa a casa è facilmente riscontrabile quando il ragazzo torna in classe ed è capace di suonare un pezzo dall'inizio alla fine senza mai fermarsi. La App fornisce al docente un ottimo strumento per la valutazione in classe dello studio effettuato a casa nonché una splendida opportunità per il docente per far capire allo studente la lezione assegnata per la lezione successiva o semplicemente gli errori nei quali si è incorsi o si potrebbe incorrere. Infatti gli accompagnamenti, messi in "Play" senza suonare il violoncello su di essi, forniscono già un esempio di come il brano dovrebbe suonare e quindi anche a casa i ragazzi hanno il supporto e la guida del docente, pur non essendo egli presente fisicamente.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Tutti i miei studenti di violoncello dell'anno scolastico in corso usufruiscono della APP, che è scaricabile soltanto dal dicembre 2014. Precedentemente, non essendoci la APP, gli accompagnamenti venivano forniti volta per volta su una chiavetta USB, cosa assai scomoda e che mi ha dato l'input a costruire la APP in maniera che questa fosse disponibile e gratis per tutti in qualsiasi zona della Terra. Avendo tenuto delle masterclass a Barcellona, anche alcuni allievi della scuola di musica "Voces y Musica para la Integracion" usufruiscono della APP. Ad oggi i download certificati sono 69 anche se l'uso on-line (per in non possessori di Android) non è conteggiato e quindi suppongo che la fruizione si aggiri intorno al centinaio di utenti in tutto.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2012-08-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Dal mio progetto altri docenti possono prendere spunto per innovare la didattica storica dell'insegnamento dello strumento musicale che, per quanto sempre valida, dovrebbe stare al passo con i tempi ed essere fruibile dal maggior numero di persone possibile. Le possibilità che altri metodi didattici poco accertati e di dubbia valenza pedagogica si spaccino per innovativi è troppo elevata e quindi è importantissimo che un bravo docente si doti di ingegno per arrivare ad avere risultati elevati soddisfacendo anche la curiosità dei ragazzi più giovani per la musica.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
Non è stato troppo difficile convincere i ragazzi a scaricare una semplice APP. Devo però ammettere che non essendo disponibile su i-Tunes o Google Play, dato che vendere un contenuto su questi "markets" ha dei costi mensili da parte di chi pubblica di circa 10 dollari, ciò rende lo scaricamento più difficoltoso perché l'installazione sul dispositivo non è immediata. Bisogna scaricarla necessariamente dal "market" di ed abilitare le cosiddette "fonti sconosciute" sul proprio dispositivo per procedere all'installazione. Non tutti i ragazzi ci riescono al primo tentativo.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
Il passo successivo è ampliare l'offerta dei brani (come sto già facendo) sulla APP con miei arrangiamenti, le cui partiture sono gratuitamente scaricabili dal pulsante "download" della stessa applicazione. La più grande aspettativa è quella di raccogliere donazioni sufficienti per poter inserire la mia APP sui mercati globali ed essere più visibile in tutto il globo, pur mantenendo la gratuità dei servizio.

Project Location



Organization Name: 
JAAGO Foundation
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

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Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The project is designed to use video conferencing technology to provide free-of-cost education to the underprivileged children living in remote areas where student are deprived of quality education due to lack of skilled teacher and educational resources.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Access to education remains a challenge for children of Bangladesh, particularly working and indigenous group, living in remote areas or those in extreme poverty. Tribal children, for example, have a net attendance ratio of just 68 per cent, far below the national average of 81 per cent at the primary-school level.

Urban-rural divide in the quality of education in Bangladesh is vivid, and the factors cited behind the disparity are the quality of teaching, school infrastructure, and educational materials. Moreover, the factors are also immediate determinants of whether children attend school and what they gain when they attend.

As it is difficult to find and retain good teachers in rural areas, JAAGO Foundation came up with an innovative solution of ‘Online School’. The idea of online schooling is designed to bridge the quality gap by connecting skilled teacher and resource with the disadvantaged students living in remote area through the modern technology. With support from partners, JAAGO Foundation succesfully installed online schooling in 5 schools in different district and all of the schools are now in operation with a demand of further expansion.

Within the end of 2014, 5 of our existing online schools will be expanded and 5 new online schools will be established to offer education for additional 400 students and approximately 800 students in total around Bangladesh. Moreover, evaluating the feedback and outcome of the online school project, interactive contents will be developed and teacahers centere’s will be enriched with necessery equipments to ensure interesting learning experience for the disadvantaged children who would be deprived education otherwise.

The Online schooling and synchronous learning through internet is a leap towards educational revolution specifically in context of Bangladesh as our country has not experienced this schooling method before that has the potential to solve the issues regarding quality education and lack of skilled teachers in remote areas of the country. Under the project, we are working to replicate the online school project in every district of Bangladesh and even build colaboration with neighboring countries.

How long has your project been running?

2011-06-29 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

The project has the following objectives…
1. To provide international standard education to the unprivileged student living in remote rural areas of Bangladesh who are otherwise deprived of quality education.
2. To train and develop skilled teachers and moderator so that they can use multimedia while teaching students even in traditional schools.
3. To equip poor and marginalized children with education and life skills so that they can break the cycle of poverty and live a meaningful life.
4. To develop interactive contents that develops children’s analytical and vocational skills. The contents will be suitable for online schooling and also interesting for children.
The mechanisms behind the ‘JAAGO Online School’ are fairly simple yet effective. A rural classroom of Bangladesh is connected to a teacher in Dhaka via video conferencing technology and internet. The classes are run in the physical presence of two facilitators in rural areas and another teacher who takea class online through WEBEX system from JAAGO’s teaching center in Dhaka.
The current software used for this form of schooling is WebEx which is an interactive and professional video conferencing software aimed at making the learning process communicative and interactive even with the virtual presence of its remote learners.
The program contains interactive whiteboard, slide-sharing and video-sharing features and combines a sketch-board to acquaint the students with alphabets through just a stroke from its virtual tutor.
Thus the geographical distance between students and teachers is being covered easily with the use of simple software that enables synchronous learning for students who are otherwise deprived of quality education.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Our first online school was established in the year 2011 in Gazipur situated near Dhaka to spread the light of education among the underprivileged children deprived of quality education. After the successful beginning of this innovative project, the online school soon expanded in another four regions of the country over a time span of 3 years only. Till now, we had started five online schools replicating our own model that is an evidence of the feasibility and scalability of the project. Now the number of students in five online schools increased to 356 within a short period of time. The impacts of the project include educating the underprivileged students of five different districts/regions of Bangladesh and being able to provide good standard education in rural remote areas of the country by overcoming the geographical barriers. The long term impact of our project is improving the standard of living of the children and their families receiving quality education in JAAGO online schools by empowering them with education and skills.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Now the number of students is approximately 356. Within the end of 2014, we are to expand existing online schools and set up 5 more schools and the number of student is to be increased up to around 800.

The current software used for interaction between students and teachers is WebEx which is interactive and professional video conferencing software. The program contains interactive whiteboard, slide-sharing and video-sharing features and combines a sketch-board to acquaint the students with alphabets through just a stroke from its virtual tutor.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 75.001 to 500.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-05-30 22:00:00
When is it expected to become self-sufficient?: 
2015-05-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

In the online schooling method, the geographical distance between students and teachers is being covered easily with the use of simple software that enables synchronous learning for students who are otherwise deprived of quality education.
The project has proposed a solution to the illiteracy in the geographically disadvantaged area of Bangladesh. Using the online school method and expertise, one can easily replicate the method in any country where similar geographical barrier create obstacles while ensuring quality education for all. Especially, marginalized and underprivileged children can be brought under the light of education and thus giving them a tool for breaking the cycle of poverty.

The project also an example of youth initiative that encourage the youth of Bangladesh or any other country to motivate each other for a good cause to ensure social justice and equal opportunity for all.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
The main challenges we are currently facing with our project is the inadequate sources for high-speed internet connection which is the primary tool to run our project, insufficient funding support to expand and replicate the project in other localities of our country and lack of financial support to establish a complete research team to work on the overall content development and school model for our online schools based on local context.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
The first step we want to take is establishing at least 5 new online schools within the end of 2014. Secondly, opening a new grade each year in each of the existing schools to promote the present students to an upper grade is another significant future plan for our project. Last but not the least another major plan is to develop our own content keeping the local context in mind. We are also working for corporate collaboration opportunity to set up online schools in 64 districts of Bangladesh. The implementation plan includes opening new grades in the existing schools by taking support from our present corporate partner on a contractual basis where the contract is renewed every year. We have the capacity to run our project with our sponsorship campaign that ensures every child in our schools has a sponsor to bear the overall cost of a student.

Project Location

Congo Democratic Republic
Munya, Nyangezi, Bukavu, South Kivu Province


Organization Name: 
Centre ADEST (Centre d'appui a la difusion et l'enseignement des sciences et techologies en milieu rural de Walungu et Kabare
Organization Type: 
Cultural Institution (foundations, museums, galleries, etc…)



Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 18 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

an educational project to help rural school youth access to appropriate didactic equipment fot the teaching of science and technology related curricula to equal opportunity and their chances of better integration in a global world

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

private high school initiative avoid the insertion of science and technology related humanities in nyangezi due to lack of appropriate equipment for teaching and qualified teachers in science and technology. The support center for the dissemination and teaching of sciences and technology at high school level in rural Walungu and Kabare, NPO, targets 11 identified schools teaching humanities in rural areas in Munya and Mumosho, making it available to schools teaching materials for collective use by above targeted private secondary schools. It aims to create a computer lab, equipping science labs, (physical, biological and natural sciences), creating a reference library, retraining of teachers, support to local communities in promotion of agriculture and environmental protection. ADEST already has its buildings, furniture and 25 computers. It lacks laboratory equipment for science and technology, a reference library and the initiation of self-financing activities.

How long has your project been running?

2011-12-30 23:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

The center ADEST project strengthens scientific and technological capabilities of the community and youth in secondary and private educational institutions. It targets eleven secondary schools of Nyangezi Mumosho. As such, it contributes to the improvement and increased options choices of curricula for students in secondary school learning, improving the quality of education in general and makes teaching of science less abstract and more practical. .It empowers the cognitive orientation of villages and promotes embracing studies in technical and scientific secondary school and university, offering unexpected openings to beneficiaries and facilitates their integration into a global world


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Within six years, the following results are expected:1 A multi-center for science and technology teaching is in the service of youth, high schools and rural communities of Nyangezi and Mumosho.;. 2 Pupils and students have a space, permanently electrified, to study, prepare assignments and exams;. 3 secondary schools in the country have a valuable reference library connected to other physical or virtual school libraries;. 4 A computer center connected to the internet runs continuously; 5. Rural schools in the region have shared access to well equipped laboratories: a biology lab, a chemistry lab, a physics lab and a zoology laboratory, and appropriate facilities for the conduct of experiments.. 6. Qualified Experts in teaching science and technology, mainly from the town of Bukavu are called upon to accompany students in Nyangezi and Mumosho;.7. Secondary science teachers are recycled annually during the holidays; The first four results have been achieved already or in the process. The remaining (5,6,7) are the ones targeted in next step.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

At leat 11 high schools institution numbering 300 to 600 students each and their students will interact with the project on a permanet basis not mentionning their parents and casual learners. its expected that activities carried out in the center will benefit to a minimum of 150 high school learners on a daily basis.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 3 to 6 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 30.001 to 75.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
A center at the disposal of all high schools located in the area of its operation
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-05-30 22:00:00
When is it expected to become self-sufficient?: 
2018-11-29 23:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

creating centers such as these over in rural areas of DRC would definitely improve better the quality of education, develop a better awareness among communities of the opportunities that the use of science and technology provide in improving the quality of life and favor chance equalities for youth in urban as well as rural areas for a better integration in the global world

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
major barriers include the income revenu of populations in rural area and their inability to pay for the consts, the feat that the teaching of curricul such as mathematics, science and technology inspirer in rural youth, and the aversion of qualified urban trained teachers for living into rural harsh conditions. solutions undertaken were to establish a dialogue with schools, to finance ourselves the services provided by the center, to build the infrastructure and to provide shelter, equiped, for consultants coming from Bukavu. Students and schools are attracted to use the facility because it is well equipped, has a stable elecrical system ad running water. the project includes also an outreach programm toward the community in agriculture improvment and tree planting for the protection of the environment. However, with no help and funding, it will be diffuclt to go forward.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
the next steps is to complete the basic equipments of the project in terms acquiring school laboratories equipments, improving the quality of the library and initiating self sustaining activities for self funding. I need funding between 100 000 USD to 450 000 USD

Project Location

Port Harcourt


Organization Name: 
TechClass Nigeria (video link:
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Breaking barrier to education using online video technology.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Dominic Nsikan a serial social entrepreneur and the founder of TechClass Nigeria one of the fastest growing online video contents service providers for teachers and students in Northern Nigeria. My project utilizes the power of online video technology to provide top quality educational materials and real time online classes through YouTube and Skype to teachers in Yobe, Maiduguri, Gombe, Damaturu, Zaria and other Boko Haram insurgence communities where there are little or no access to quality textbooks, training manuals and research facilities as a result of the over three years of continues destruction of educational facilities by the activities of the radical Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram.

How long has your project been running?

2011-01-30 23:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

TechClass Nigeria aims to bridge the barrier to quality education as the result of over three years of massive destruction to educational materials and facilities by the Islamic sect Boko Haram in northern part of Nigeria. This project aims to propel progress towards sustainable development in the area of education focusing its activities mainly in northern Nigeria before replicating it to other part of the country. TechClass utilizes quality online video-training for teachers and also providing them with access to over 2000 quality educational material online.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Using our innovation of distance-learning video technology, my organization have successfully trained over 5000 teachers empowering them with the necessary tools they need to scale up quality and sound education in their various communities. With the frequent killings and bombings by the Boko Haram terrorist sect, it is impossible for professional teachers to go to northern Nigeria. To break down the walls between these communities and provide quality education to the most vulnerable young people, TechClass Nigeria is helping to bridge the gap by creating a platform to provide quality video-training for teachers and students providing them with access to over 2000 quality educational materials online. My project’s online learning centre approach led to a new found motivation amongst students, teachers and community members alike. Visual aids and innovative technology had never been integrated into learning before and the impact was almost immediate. Students grew more curious, enrollment nearly doubled and academic performance improved while parents became more involved in their children's learning and teachers benefitted from more interactive, engaged online classrooms. Students even began competing and excelling in local academic competitions crediting the use of TechClass videos in helping them to prepare.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

TechClass uses its unique online registration process to capture the names, sexes and ages of registered teachers and students. Monthly record of registered users ranges from 5-20 for teachers and 30-50 for students. Physical training and workshop for teachers comes up every month end using our learning centers across the communities we operate.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 10.001 to 30.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
When is it expected to become self-sufficient?: 
2015-01-30 23:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Youths across the world can be involved in education and learning in order to propel progress towards sustainable development by getting themselves involve in the policy making processes most especially in the area of education. From my own perspective, this can be done first by asking our government to fully domesticate any existing regional or national legal framework on education in favor of educational development. Youths can also take a bold step in holding their various governments responsible on what they have done in implementing sustainable educational programs in their various countries. Partnering with Nonprofit organizations in developing programs aimed at promoting grassroots education is another innovative way young people can offer themselves in accelerating sustainable development. Advocacy campaigns, workshops and seminars can also serve as valuable tools to enforce sustainable development.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
The major challenge facing our project is the constant unavailability of internet network to provide distant learning to teachers and students in remote communities as the result of the destruction of internet facilities by the terrorist group. Insecurity of our volunteers sometimes halts our reach out activities to schools in remote areas where we are functional. As a result of these short comings and the frequent attacks of internet installations by the sect, we send out most of our resources materials, textbooks and training manuals through the post office to the various schools authorities.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
Our project anticipates continuing to propel progress towards sustainable development in the area of education. We hope to continue to partner with both multinational and Non-profit organizations across Nigeria in developing programs aimed at promoting grassroots education. We are targeting to spread our activities to other region of Nigeria in order to achieve the desired transformation in the educational sector and enabling out of school children to enroll and succeed in school. TechClass will work to continue in to contribute to addressing key challenges and obstacles that hinder young people's participation in education and how they can have access to quality education starting by using our platform in empowering themselves.
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