
Project Location



Organization Name: 
Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Ceccano
Organization Type: 
finanziamento dello stato e contributi delle famiglie


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 18 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Riarire i musei grazie alle tecnologie digitali: ecco il senso del progetto Musei 2.0 che negli ultimi tre anni scolastici ha coinvolto 150 studenti del Liceo di Ceccano che hanno provato a mettere le nuove tecnologie a servizio dei musei e delle loro difficoltà di personale. In questa area molti pregevoli musei sono chiusi, prorio per la mancanza dei fondi necessari. Le tecnologie possono riaprirli. In particolare sono state utilizzate applicazioni di realtà aumentata e di realtà virtuale, tramite le appa di Google

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

L’idea progettuale si basa sull’applicazione delle nuove tecnologie ai beni culturali. Attraverso la tecnologia è possibile cambiare il modo con cui il pubblico si relaziona  con il museo e con i suoi contenuti, la struttura museale  diventa un luogo “da vivere”, consentendo un accesso più “democratico” alla cultura e una gestione personale di tempi, spazi e percorsi cognitivi. Le ragioni che rendono vincente il  binomio arte e tecnologia derivano da tre caratteristiche fondamentali tipiche delle nuove tecnologie:

  • sono a base visiva, in quanto il centro della comunicazione è l’immagine e non il testo;
  • sono interattive, cioè richiedono all’utente di agire, scegliere, rispondere, permettendo la creazione di una varietà illimitata di percorsi e modalità di fruizione;
  • sono connesse, quindi permettono di accedere in tempo reale e in forma interattiva a un numero praticamente illimitato di fonti di informazione.
  • Gli allievi hanno lavorato su tre musei: il Museo dellenergia di Ripi, il Museo Paleontologico di Pofi e il Museo Archeologico di Castro dei Volsci. Sono piccoli musei ma molto interessanti per alcune caratteristiche specifiche. I tre musei sono accomunati dalla difficoltà di personale per lp'apertura. Offrire perciò applicazioni per la visita virtuale di quegli spazi vuol dire renderne possibile oggi la visita, suscitare interesse, spingere per la loro riapertura.  Gli allievi hanno perciò provveduto a realizzare materiali multimediali per i tre musei, preparare un sito per la loro visita virtuale e quindi offrire la possibilità di visitarli tramite semplici applicazioni di realtà virtuale con visualizzatori come le Google cardboard di cartone o apparati più complessi come Oculus. 

How long has your project been running?

2015-10-01 00:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

Ecco gli obiettivi del progetto: 

  • Correlare l'offerta formativa allo sviluppo culturale, sociale ed economico del territorio attraverso ciò che va sperimentato e appreso a scuola e quello che si può realizzare in strutture esterne.
  • Familiarizzare con il museo come luogo di esperienza diretta oltre che come luogo di conservazione, tutela, divulgazione del patrimonio storico artistico culturale.
  • Attivare un coinvolgimento attivo nei processi educativi (apprendimento attivo, apprendimento attraverso la scoperta).
  • Rendere fruibile il patrimonio artistico, storico e culturale dei Musei del territorio a tutti in forma virtuale, grazie anche a versioni in lingua straniera, affidate alle classi del Liceo linguistico, come concreta opportunità dell’utilizzo delle lingue veicolari
  • Riaprire le sale del museo grazie alla collaborazione degli studenti del Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico di Ceccano inseriti nel percorso di alternanza scuola-lavoro.
  • Inserire i musei in un percorso turistico che valorizzi i luoghi della Valle Latina, con particolare attenzione proprio alle origini toponomastiche della denominazione


La realizzazione del  progetto permette agli alunni di:

  • Elaborare  una formazione dinamica, che favorisca lo sviluppo di senso critico, fondata su una solida base culturale.
  • Spendere competenze tecnico-scientifiche, progettando occasioni di formazione, crescita e confronto tra scuola e patrimonio culturale-storico-artistico del territorio.
  • Acquisire competenze di fruizione, lettura e interpretazione del patrimonio artistico storico culturale presente nel territorio  tale da poter essere esportata anche in altri contesti.
  • Acquisire informazioni utili sulle figure professionali impegnate nei musei e nella promozione dei beni culturali
  • Gli strumenti utilizzati sono quelle delle applicazioni G suite for education con la disponibilità della Rete Eduroma e del collegamento internet superveloce del GARR


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
E' stato realizzato il sito per la visita virtuale di due musei (Ripi e Pofi) ed è in corso di realizzazione quello per la visita di Castro dei Volsci. Gli allievi impegnati hanno raggiunto competenze di tutto rispetto negli ambiti espositivi propri dei musei coinvolti e si è creato un notevole rapporto di collaborazione sul territorio la la scuola, gli enti locali interessati, il personale dei musei. Gli allievi hanno avuto anche la possibilità di incontrare direttamente i curatori stessi degli allestimenti museali in modo da poter rendere tutto al meglio nel sito. Gli allievi hanno lavorato in team, sperimentando così direttamente i vantaggi del lavoro collaborativo e del mettere in comune i talenti gli uni degli altri.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Il lavoro è stato svolto da un gruppo di 30 allievi delle classi III e IV, impegnati nell'alternanza scuola lavoro. Hanno interagito soprattutto tramite le apps di G. suite for education


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Scuola Superiore Statale
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-09-01 00:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
Il progetto è stato mostrato in diversi incontri tra dirigenti ed alkcune scuole stanno replicandolo per i propri alunni
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

L'uso della realtà virtuale e della realtà aumentata sarà sempre più frequente soprattutto a scuola: grazie ad applicazioni sempre più potenti sarà possibile visitare l'intero pianeta senza dover subire salassi finanziari. I giovani che saranno esperti in questi campi troveranno più facilmente lavoro e potrebbero adottare la realtà aumentata anche nelle loro attività professionali. 

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
La mancanza di una rete wireless civica rende difficili i collegamenti e la condivisione dei lavori se gli allievi non sono a scuola. Questo è davvero un ostacolo per raggiungere l'obiettivo prefissato.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
In questo anno scolastico sarà completato il percorso con il museo di castro dei Volsci

Project Location



Organization Name: 
Istituto Comprensivo di Campli
Organization Type: 
Erasmus Plus KA2


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 15 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The project aims to foster equity and inclusion, enabling high quality learning for all pupils. It wants to develop strategies, within a 'Cultural' theme, to increase competences in digital technology and foreign language acquisition for all pupils. Inclusion will involve foreign languages, ICT skills, Music and Drama, Art.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project 'Our Colourful World' involves five European countries (Uk - England, Italy, Greece, Finland and France) working in partnership. Our main aim is to address 'Inclusion and Equity' in our schools, through an exciting and challenging programme of activities and training. As a partnership, we are all committed (through a number of effective strategies) to meeting the specific needs of every child in our organisations, regardless of social background, ethnicity, learning disabilities etc. and therefore including and motivating every student to perform to the very best of their ability and to enjoy the activities. We will share strategies for inclusion. This work will be collated to form a collaborative policy document.

The project aims to educate all participants in terms of developing intercultural knowledge and understanding through planned activities on themes including: architecture, music, dance, drama, stories, myths/legends, and art/design/technology. All outputs will be shared, presented to partners, collated, discussed, evaluated and finally produced as one collaborative product, for example, in the form of a DVD, CD, eBook/Magazine or  Tutorial, Virtual Tour or Documentary. All our results will be uploaded to eTwinning.

We value the importance of language learning as an essential skill in facilitating the development of inter-cultural understanding. Again, pupils will take ownership of this aspect of the project by creating tutorials in their own languages (i.e. their content and presentation), according to identified needs and to their relevance to the project content.

Two planned multiplier events will reach a huge audience of people outside our organisations: in the UK (march 2017) for the art gallery exhibition of artwork and digital outputs including a virtual tour and ebook presentations and in Itlay for the public showing of our documentary (May 2017).

How long has your project been running?

2015-09-01 00:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

The overall aim of our partnership is to foster equity and inclusion, enabling high quality learning for all pupils. Within this, we aim to develop strategies, within a 'Cultural' theme, to increase competences in digital technology and foreign language acquisition for all pupils.

We aim to:
-promote an inclusive school and education, where individual differences are experienced & taught
-support a democratic school, where equality is respect of diversity & diversity is considered as an added value
-reduce barriers to learning
- respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs
-ensure educators are committed to developing inclusive approaches
-promote multi-sensory teaching
-promote increased inclusion in future environments through appreciation & acceptance of individual differences
-bring together learners who are widely dispersed or who have learning difficulties & engage learners who in the past may have felt excluded

Inclusion also involves foreign language learning which is much more than being exposed to another language, but is about feeling accepted & involved in a worthwhile learning experience, regardless of the level achieved. It gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind & context of another culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, true access to that culture isn't possible. Lack of inter-cultural sensitivity can lead to mistrust & misunderstandings; to an inability to cooperate, negotiate & compromise. Inter-cultural understanding begins with individuals who have language abilities and who can thereby provide one's own nation or community with an insider's view into foreign cultures; who can understand foreign news sources and give insights into other perspectives on international situations & current events. For survival in the global community, every nation needs such individuals. A person competent in other languages can bridge the gap between cultures, contribute to international diplomacy, promote national security and world peace, and successfully engage in international trade.
We aim to:
-raise the profile of foreign languages in all our schools in order to increase global/inter-cultural understanding & appreciation
-facilitate & develop communication skills by increasing language understanding & acquisition, spoken & written

In an extremely fast moving climate of ICT, the development of digital skills, for both staff & pupils is not only relevant but  essential. All of our project work will be presented digitally, through which we aim to:
-promote inclusive practices in schools  
-work together on challenging projects that have real aim and purpose.






Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
A1. E-Book: a study & a comparison of local architectural styles A2. Multi-media presentation of a myth/legend by all partners. A3. Podcasts & vodcasts: a joint digital story-telling by students A4. DVDs & CDs: collaborative output, in the form of a DVD/CD where staff and pupils teach others their native folk-songs and dances, with explanations in different languages A5. Tutorials/eTwinning: mini lessons, in the form of instructional videos about learning foreign languages by pupils and shared with their peers. A6. e-magazine: All countries' presentations of myths/legends and special events are collected on an e-magazine. A7. "How to make a minute film" Tutorial and "Inclusive Stories from Europe" Documentary The tutorial collects useful instructions how to make Minute Films. Every partner contributed to its production with videos, interviews, pictures and all materials relevant to teach people, who are not expert at filming, to tell stories starting with very simplistic film less than a minute long. The "Inclusive Stories from Europe" documentary collects all interviews by students from Secondary School. A8. Policy document, 'Inclusion': the final outcome of partners'discussions/ demonstrations of activities, studies, research and information collected digitally (google doc) throughout the duration of the project. Some indicators will be taken into consideration: - setting up school networks - participation of community to school events, workshops, training sessions - involvement in the project development, dissemination and evaluation, - new school curricula, more inclusive, international and innovative in terms of methodological approaches and digital tools - applying for the National and then European Quality Labels. Tools used to measure the mentioned impacts will be questionnaires, rubrics and self- evaluation forms and checklists.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 


The main users are the project partners, the school staff and working team, the stakeholders, such as local authorities and associations, experts, Education National Agencies. There were very regular communication and collaboration via eTwinning, phone and e-mail. Transnational meetings in partner schools ensured strong and long-term relationships. Online and in presence meetings with participants provided essential opportunities for face-to-face communication.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 75.001 to 500.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-09-01 00:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
The work has been carrying out, throughout the project's duration, in terms of 'Inclusion' (i.e. strategies learnt through teaching/demonstrations and through lesson observations) collated and presented as a 'common/joint' policy document to other schools at local, national and European level. After the end of the project funding, teachers will put into practice, in our schools, what we have learnt through the specialist training in ICT and put a development plan together containing strategies to improve education in this field. We will take ideas from each other in terms of strategies for building and developing skills in language teaching and learning. We will sustain friendships made through the partnership and teachers will continue to communicate via e-mail and share ideas. Pupils will have pen-friends. They will continue to exchange letters and their work on relevant topics to be agreed upon among staff & pupils. We will be able to continue to create language tutorials, with the pupils, in our individual schools, and share them with partners. eTwinning will continue to be a useful platform for communication and sharing. Outcomes/outputs will be kept in our schools as a library of useful resources for future reference and learning. 1. The documentary will candidate for Cinema National Prizes with the local Authorities’ support; 2. The emagazine will be printed and published periodically in each school; sponsors will support this activity; 3. the QR Art Gallery will be put on a CD and a mini-guide. Families, school grants and sponsors will finance this activity; 4. eTwinning projects will be activated after the end of the project.
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Impact at a local level:
Effective and stronger connections among  schools and local communities will be forged, i.e. more support and involvement in school activities, demonstrating a real example of integration of projects and curriculum with clear evidence of the students’ and teachers’ competence development. The importance of dialogue (“two-way communication”) and respect (“receptivity and openness”) in creating partnerships are emphasised and the school vision from outside will be healthy, vibrant and positive.

At the regional level: Sharing good practice among regional school networks will provide opportunities to learn new, creative and digital methodologies and approaches and tools to deal with an inclusive education. In addition, schools can work together to elaborate on guide lines to address inclusion and how to integrate school subjects into an inclusive curriculum and plan.

Impact at a national level:
The outcomes of the project will be shared with national Education Authorities who deal with Inclusive Education; the work on the eTwinning Platform will contribute to disseminate the activities at the national level and give an idea of which competences and added value this experience will have carried out. Through on-line evaluation forms, the Agency will have the chance to assess the partnership’s involvement and development. The contact person in the Italian school partner, as an eTwinning Ambassador, will share the activities and outcomes in the Learning events, teachers’ groups  and PDWs  that the eTwinning Agency plan every year with all European Ambassadors.  
The project can be an important input into the Inclusive National Programme which supports students going on study/work placements, helps staff prepare students and review experiences, provides a record of achievement, and provides a flexible tool to meet individual needs.

Impact at a European and international level:
There will be a sharing of resources e.g. knowledge of the school systems; creating an inclusive society, practical strategies to promote social inclusion at school and acquisition of international skills and competences. The project will enrich and improve the school partners’ inclusive activity plan and their curriculum.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
Risk management involves identifying, evaluating, and mitigating the impact of the risk event. The partnership should prepare a risk management/assessment plan. It is essential that actions are put in place to reduce the probability of the risk happening and/or to reduce the impact if it does occur. The main risk areas identified include: Conduct and conflict among partners, that can be solved through a 'Code of Conduct'/'Participants Charter' agreed upon and signed by all partners. Financial - It is essential that the budget is managed very effectively and efficiently and that it is reviewed regularly and at the end of each short phase of the project. The suggestion is to enlist the help of business manager to reduce risk of mis-calculations etc.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
1. The documentary will candidate for Cinema National Prizes with the local Authorities’ support; 2. The emagazine will be printed and published periodically in each school; sponsors will support this activity; 3. the QR Art Gallery will be put on a CD and a mini-guide. Families, school grants and sponsors will finance this activity; 4. eTwinning projects will be activated after the end of the project.

Project Location

Mola di Bari


Organization Name: 
S.S. di I "Alighieri-Tanzi"
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 15 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Il progetto rappresenta un segmento dell'iniziativa in rete E-CLIL-Ricerca azione/primo ciclo" A Splash into the Mediterranean Sea, che ha coinvolto una rete di scuole del territorio. Il segmento East Meets West : Lawrence of Arabia propone un intreccio di saperi disciplinari - arte, geografia, storia, arte e immagine sulla scorta della suggestione del personaggio storico di T.S. Lawrence, archeologo, esploratore e mediatore culturale ante-litteram

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

1.Unit I


A.Brainstorming: What do you know about the Mediterranean area?

i.Activity 1 :Maps and Crosswords

ii.Activity 2: Mare Nostrum à flashcards game on Quitzlet

Activity 3: Frontlines in 1914 à speaking & writing in pair


2.Unit 2


B.Brainstorming: Who studies the monuments and the life of ancient people?

i.Activity 1 : Ancient monuments in the Mediterranean area

Activity 2: Shapes  à definitions matching

Activity 3: The monument’s guessing game à speaking & writing in pair

ii.Activity 4: The Pyramid of Giza, The Colosseum and the partenon à read & complete the drawings

iii.Activity 5: T.E. as archaeologist à look&write


3.Unit III


A.Brainstorming: Why T.E. Lawrence’s nickname is Lawrence of Arabia (video)?

i.Activity 1 : the decline of Ottoman empire and the arab uprising à ask&answer

Activity 2: top 10 facts about T.E. Lawrence à timeline

ii.Activity 3: Movies & Books --> discussion + video + quitzlet game

iii.Activity 4: the private life of Lawrence of Arabia à webquest

4.Final test with questbase

How long has your project been running?

2017-03-01 00:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

L'opportunità di apprendere una disciplina attraverso un diverso codice linguistico rappresenta un valore aggiunto alla

didattica tradizionale e ha avuto un impatto positivo e tangibile sugli utenti nonché sull'acquisizione delle competenze

chiave richieste dalla Comunità Europea. La condivisione dell'esperienza formativa ed emotiva all'interno di ciascuna

scuola, della rete di scuole e attraverso la pubblicazione online dei prodotti finali, consentirà la diffusione delle Best

practices e la riproducibilità dell'idea progettuale.

L'unità formativa è stata implementata sulla piattaforma didattica FIDENIA, favorendo l'interazione di docenti e discenti, ciascuno con il proprio profilo. Sono stati utilizzati, per la verifica finale, questbase e per la valutazione complessiva dell'esperienza, padlet


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Il progetto ha costitutito un'occasione per favorire lo sviluppo e l'acquisizione delle competenze chiave richieste dalla comunità europea: la comunicazione nella madrelingua e in lingue straniere; in campo scientifico e tecnologico, digitali, Imparare ad imparare, soft skill, senso di iniziativa e di imprenditorialità, consapevolezza ed espressione culturale. Tutti i materiali prodotti sono disponibili sui siti web delle singole scuole e del MIUR. La valutazione è stata informale, formale, sommati va, continua, di gradimento.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

circa 40 studenti per la prima annualità, attraverso l'uso della piattaforma didattica fidenia


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Less than 1 year
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2017-08-01 00:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Costruzione di un e-book; uso della clil con contenuti disciplinari originali e calibrati in base ad i bisogni formativi; didattica interattiva e partecipativa, attraverso l'uso di devices e di una piattaforma didattica; questionari online e uso della L2 per veicolare gli apprendimenti.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Project Location



Organization Name: 
DiSegni per Bambini
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Ho iniziato a lavorare su questo progetto 1 anno fa. L'idea di base, senza girarci troppo intorno, è la personalizzazione e creazione su richiesta di disegni, quadri, vestiario, decorazione di pareti delle camerette e quant'altro. Vorrei spingere i genitori a comunicare con i loro figli (non avendo la presunzione di affermare che non lo facciano) ma solo suggerendo un'altra via ancora per farlo. Ascoltare i loro desideri, farsi raccontare i loro sogni, prestando loro la stessa attenzione che daremmo, parlando anche di argomenti più seri. La fantasia e il gioco sono fondamentali, perché aiutano anche noi grandi a ritrovare una parte di noi, ormai lontana e dimenticata.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Art (in any form) for kids, inspired by their dreams and phantasy!

How long has your project been running?

2015-01-01 00:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

Im working a lot with the projects Facebook page. In future I would like to have many works to show, and also I would love to work with schools, to help parents talk with their kids, and spur kids to give voice to their dreams and phantasies.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Until now my project DiSegni per Bambini is in the 10 best art and illustration projects of Lazio, but the best achievements are the happy kids who receive my drawings.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

People interact through the Facebook page mostly.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2017-06-01 00:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

People could learn from my project that its very important to talk with the kids, and give them the importance they need in life.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Project Location



Organization Name: 
Sint-Janshof VZW De Ranken
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 15 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Students with and without special needs of 4 different countries show eachother in what they are an expert by using 4 themes: computer, gardening, art and cooking.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project ‘Experts academy’ has a student oriented as well as a school oriented intention. With the students we started from the strengths of students with special needs. By working with different themes we showed each other what we are good in. Each partner country has chosen a theme in which the school has a lot of expertise.
For the work with the students we always had the same structure. One of the partners prepared a task for the others according to the theme in which he is an expert. The students took pictures from the result as well as the work process. They sent the images with instructions to the other partners and they had to try to do the same exercise and achieve a good result. We have put together the results of the partners in different ways. In this way we all became an expert in the themes of the others.
In the block of each team we met in the ‘expert-country’. We also took some of our students to the meetings. During the meetings the students worked together and tried to reach a common goal by working on a common result.
On teacher level we have built expertise about integration in education. There for we visited the different partner countries to exchange the ideas of inclusion, integration. The partners worked on a common publication in which we describe the way of working in the different countries together with some reflections, impressions and thoughts.
We had a lot of different activities and different themes to involve as many students as possible.

How long has your project been running?

2012-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

-To be open minded towards European cultures:
By exchanging working methods and experiences we want to open their minds for European cultures. To achieve this we worked with audiovisual tools.
-To integrate students in mainstream schools and local community:
For future life it is important that students are included in their social environment. To achieve this we have let them work in mixed ability groups.
-To recognize strengths and increase self-esteem:
We wanted to make them aware that they have good qualities and others can learn from them. To achieve this they became an expert on a topic.
-To increase ICT-skills:
ICT can help students to gain autonomy. To achieve this we teached them how to use different ICT-tools by sharing knowledge between students.

-To share strategies about how special needs students and mainstream students can interact and cooperate:
sharing our experience can help to improve our pedagogical skills about inclusion. To achieve this we shared methodologies with our partners.
-To compare and adopt new pedagogical approaches according to integration of students in society:
To achieve this we exchanged expertise by observing strategies and methodologies in other countries.
-Improve ICT, language and communication skills:
To achieve this we organised some training sessions on different communication and ICT-tools.
-To value the importance of working together to achieve a common goal:
We believe that knowledge building in teamwork requires some complex processes (discussing, reflecting). To achieve this we organised a possibility to collaborate in our own school and with school partners.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
PUPILS: - increased language skills: students made a presentation in English, students tried to communicate in different languages and had nog fear about it. - increased ICT-skills: students use more and new ICT-tools now. - increased social skills and self-confidence: There is no more fear to communicate with people from abroad. - increased motivation: working with a European project is very motivating for the students. STAFF: - increased organisational skills: We are more trained in organising in a structured way larger activities - increased language skills: More and more colleagues don't care about having students from abroad in their class for a workshop in English - increased ICT-skills: We learned to know some new ICT-tools and we are using them in our school. - increased motivation: By travelling with students, more colleagues are open for European projects now.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Most of the time the project coordinators of the 4 countries interact by e-mail.
We also had 6 project meetings with teachers and students travelling to the partner countries.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 10.001 to 30.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Secondary school for special needs education
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-11-29 23:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

We were scared to travel with our special needs students because of the language. We learned that there is nog reason for fear, because especially our students are very good in communicating by trial and error. They always found a way to understand eachother and ask what they wanted to know.
Others can learn out of the information we collected about inclusion in the different partner schools. The activities and workshops we organised with our students are perfectly usable by others. The step-by-step schemes and descriptions of the tasks are on the Twinspace and can be used.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
It was not easy to find common dates for our meetings. Every school has his own agenda and holidays are not always together. Also the weather is sometimes important. We tried to plan everything very long in advance and had a calendar for almost the whole schoolyear everytime.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
At this moment our project is going to his end. The funding of the national agencies ended in june 2014. During the rest of 2014 we finished some paperwork and worked together to apply our project for some labels and prices. We want to get the projet under attention because it was very important for our schools.

Project Location

Gliwice (Śląskie Region)


Organization Name: 
Organization Type: 
Cultural Institution (foundations, museums, galleries, etc…)


Privacy Law

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Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
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Project Type

Helping youth step in the job market

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Promoting e-learning and e-writing about music (musical journalism and video-lectures) which help to develop knowledge and skills for future journalists: musicologists, humanists etc.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

MEAKULTURA was established in order to help young journalists and musicologists to appear in labour market. Academic teachers and the best graduates gave rise to a foundation and a non-profit music magazine in which both highly achieved students and young graduates and their teachers can publish their work. Editorial offices are scattered around Europe, the world even (Brussels, London, Berkeley) and the staff communicates via the Internet only. Internships and workshops are conducted via Skype where the youth is taught how to become modern journalists (the goal of the online workshops on music journalism is to improve writing skills of people interested in professional conquest of music press market, which is why they are intended for people in artistic majors, humanities, as well as high school students, especially students of music schools).
Participants will familiarize with modern journalism standards, will be trained within the scope of CMS system which allows them to upload their own articles in accordance with the rules of editing.
The best texts shall be published in the magazine. Direct contact with mentor/specialist allows the students to improve their language skills and practice creating various types of texts (such as press releases, reviews and feature articles, interviews or popular science articles), films, work in PR. MEAKULTURA has become an alternative to university student internships and practices which fail to prepare for the nowadays labour market. We also reach people from smaller cities, the disabled. Additionally, for educational purposes, we try to use all the available multimedia and the knowledge of experienced editors in order to inspire and allow development for our collaborators. We create short video-lectures by university professors (Lectures by PhD Krzysztof Moraczewski were even nominated for the Polish Press Agency award “Science on the Internet”).
MEAKULTURA was created by PhD Marlena Wieczorek, musicologist from Poznan, who noticed the difficulty for the humanists and musicologists to find employment. About 40 people are members of the editorial staff, including several in supervisory positions (all of whom present a high professional level). Every year we sent information about the trainings to the Universities from which the best trainees are selected, we also cooperate with the National Centre for Culture in internship programs.

How long has your project been running?

2012-02-28 23:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

Our project's main objective is to train youth (especially young musicologists and humanists) in music journalism (and in journalism in general) to increase their chances in today's labour market. Having that goal in mind, we try to create an alternative for university practices (that are not innovative enough in Poland, causing many young people to struggle finding a job). We help trainees to gain new, practical skills (usually such majors as musicology and humanities are too theoretical, leading to their graduates having difficulty in finding a job. We want to achieve out objectives through combining high level of education (cooperating with university professors) with modern technological solutions (using Internet, Skype, Facebook etc for training and educating). We want to cross the boarders, connect people with a specific idea. The scholarship will allow us to buy computer programs (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Indesign), cameras, microphones and lighting for video lectures. It will also be used to improve our website (translate it into English), add advertisement in press and media, pay for PR service in the project. We also want to reach Polish communities abroad (especially in the East) with our message and our training program as well as to record video lectures at foreign universities.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Implemented innovations with facilitate reaching a wider target group, including in the Polish communities in the Eastern Europe (Lithuania and Ukraine), and musicology in other countries where we could record other video lectures, given by specialists who are out of reach for Polish students. It is worth mentioning that the inclusion of an English version (of the site and of video lectures) will allow us to higher numbers of recipients interested in this field and people willing to do internship (to increase their chances in the labour market - especially humanists and musicologists). External funding will allow us to conduct internship on a higher level and train more people. We also consider buying programs which will allow a practical training of journalists not only in the framework of running an online magazine, but also in typesetting and page makeup so that we are self-sufficient (the abovementioned Adobe Indesign). Recording video lectures in other countries will integrate the musicological environment, allow international contacts and joint development of projects (in the field of musicology and related areas).
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Around 5000-6000 people enter MEAKULTURA website monthly, we train approximately 20 people a month, mostly through SKYPE. We also have a Facebook funpage and a closed FB group for editorial staff and trainees, as well as Twitter.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 3 to 6 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
From 30.001 to 75.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-06-29 22:00:00
When is it expected to become self-sufficient?: 
2017-02-27 23:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Certainly, the most important is a message that you should not be afraid of your own dreams and match with the best. Thanks to this belief we have created an alternative to academic learning, simultaneously drawing from the knowledge and experience of the academic personnel. All this was developed in an innovative way and it worked independently as a supplement to traditional education. Using the passion of important figures you can actively work for the benefit of education and development of professional chances of young people in the cultural sector, which our project proves.
Another lesson is that money is not the most important factor, because even well-known professors want to give free video lectures in their free time. Another lesson will be to try and develop our project in all ways possible applying for international grants, and not be afraid of it, because this is the attitude that allows to increase scope and level of the activities offered (in our case: workshops and online lectures).

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
A barrier is a lack of professional equipment, that is why we cannot record as many video lectures as we would like, in places of origin of well-known academic teachers and in quality desired. At present, we have to borrow cameras from universities - that involves massive paperwork and lack of availability. PhD Guczalski from Cracow recorded himself, however the quality of his lectures is poor (moreover, we cannot ask many lecturers to do this, only those befriended). Another barrier is lack of money. Our way of dealing with this problem is that we conduct training free of charge and we ask for help in cases when we need to use expensive programs, we do not advertise ourselves in the media, only in the Internet.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
Our ambition is for our internships to be an alternative for academic internships. At present, universities in Poland consider online internships less effective than traditional ones (and they sometimes are more effective indeed). This is, however, noticed by students who come to us. Creating a network of video lectures on different music-related topics with invited guests from other universities in the world can establish an independent platform within the framework of MEAKULTURA which can constitute a unique bank of short educational films on classical music, jazz, rock, which in connection with the translation of the website to other languages, including English, will facilitate our activities in the international arena and help to reach more students (also those from abroad). Poland, due to the historic past and frequent changes in boundaries has large Polish communities in the east of Europe (Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine); we also want to reach these people who will be able to develop their abilities avoiding a very often unfeasible plan to come to their homeland (visa, finances). And last but not least, our dream is to make it possible for the best people trained by us to find employment (in our magazine and elsewhere).
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