
Project Location



Organization Name: 
Six Memos
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Scritture illeggibili e Qr Code, prelibri e arBook, proiezioni dirette e video mapping, xerografie originali e Sculture aritmiche. Questo è stato in sintesi il progetto “Giocare con l’ARte ” nato da una ricerca effettuata nel giugno del 2012 in cui è stato ipotizzato di sperimentare il metodo progettuale di Bruno Munari utilizzando le tecnologie attuali, in particolar modo quelle relative alla realtà aumentata.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Scritture illeggibili e Qr Code, prelibri e arBook, proiezioni dirette e video mapping, xerografie originali e Sculture aritmiche. Questo è stato in sintesi il progetto “Giocare con l’ARte ” nato da una ricerca effettuata nel giugno del 2012 in cui è stato ipotizzato di sperimentare il metodo progettuale di Bruno Munari utilizzando le tecnologie attuali, in particolar modo quelle relative alla realtà.

I laboratori sono stati progettati seguendo delle accortezze metodologiche in cui ai bambini vengono proposte delle attività tramite la sperimentazione di materiali e strumenti ben precisi, ponendo loro delle regole e dei vincoli da rispettare per limitare il campo di sperimentazione per loro e di osservazione per noi.
Dopo una prima fase di “allenamento” in cui hanno acquisito un minimo di competenze, sono passati ad azioni più libere per cercare la propria strada di sperimentazione ed arrivare a risultati personali tutti ugualmente apprezzabili perché espressione dell’unicità del singolo utilizzando materiali analogici e digitali.

I laboratori hanno affrontato diverse tematiche in diversi contesti, dal museo alle piazze.

Qr Code & Scritture illeggibili di popoli sconosciuti – Museo Explora, Roma
Cosa accade quando sparisce il codice? Può la scrittura essere considerata prima di tutto come segno?
Come immagine? Può un segno apparentemente incomprensibile racchiudere una scrittura esatta?

Codici alla deriva- QrCode Art – Museo Explora, Roma
Dall’esattezza del Qr Code all’ambiguità del segno portato alla deriva tramite la sperimentazione.
Quale messaggio ci svelerà?

Libri illeggibili e AR Book – Museo Explora, Roma
Si possono creare storie senza parole e immagini? Un libro può raccontare senza i suoi elementi comunicativi tipici?

Libri pop-up e AR Book – Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna
Un foglio + una piega + un tablet, possono bastare per raccontare storie a prima vista invisibili?
Dai libri pop up alle storie in augmented reality.

Proiezioni dirette e video mapping – Casciana Terme
Quella che oggi chiamiamo architectural mapping projections è stata anticipata da Bruno Munari, che nel 1954
proiettò le Munari’s Slides sulla facciata del MoMA a New York, realizzando così la pittura polarizzata. Da allora a
oggi è cambiata la tecnologia, perché si è evoluta e raffinata, ma concettualmente l’idea forse è rimasta la stessa.

Maker Faire Rome – Europe edition - Roma
Sculture Aritmiche; progetto di ricerca con l’utilizzo della scheda Arduino sulle aritmie meccaniche sperimentate da
Bruno Munari nelle sue meravigliose macchine aritmiche

How long has your project been running?

2013-02-27 23:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

Gli obiettivi specifici del progetto sono quelli di far vivere delle esperienze laboratoriali in cui il passaggio dal mondo materiale ed analogico a quello digitale e viceversa non venga vissuto in modo discontinuo e separato. Strumenti gratuiti ben utilizzati. Il mezzo per eccellenza per raggiungere i nostri obiettivi è la progettazione delle attivitù secondo una metodologia rigorosa.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Ad oggi le attività che abbiamo svolto legate al progetto hanno attivato altri laboratori nei contesti in cui abbiamo operato, stimolando presso le comunità e gli operatori culturali che ci hanno accolto la curiosità per l'utilizzo di tali tecnologie. Questo progetto si rivolge ai bambini ma per il noi coinvolgimento dei loro educatori è essenziale, perché crediamo che essi debbano essere rassicurati e formati per acquisire delle competenze che possono poi riutilizzare ed ampliare durante tutto l'anno formativo. Per imparare ci vuole la continuità che solo gli educatori che lavorano tutto l'anno con i ragazzi possono dare.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Il progetto si inserisce in progetti estemporanei legati ad eventi particolari, mediamente ha coinvolto ad oggi 500 bambini.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-08-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Possono imparare che la tecnologia non è da considerarsi come un'alternativa alle altre attività laboratoriali ma un suo completamento e potenziamento. Quotidianamente siamo abituati a vivere nel mondo analogico e in quello digitale che convivono sempre di più e naturalmente. Perchè quando si parla di educazione dobbiamo scindere le due dimensioni? Con le nostre attività la carta convive con il tablet e il legno convive con i circuiti elettrici.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
Gli ostacoli al progetto sono stati progettuali. Il tempo di progettazione di ogni laboratorio richiede molto tempo per la fase di ricerca e test. Il nostro gruppo molto eterogeneo ci permette di avere competenze e punti di vista diversi e complementari. La soluzione è la squadra di progettazione.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
Per il futuro stiamo cercando di formalizzare ancora meglio i passaggi dei laboratori per poterli condividere con chi è interessato. Ci stiamo comunque spostando sulla creazione di artefatti cognitivi open source. Il primo è già nato si chiama Brick Opera una macchina per inventare storie in cui regista e attori sono i bambini.

Project Location

Rionero in Vulture/Basilicata


Organization Name: 
Istituto Comprensivo “ Ex Circolo didattico” Rionero in Vulture
Organization Type: 



Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The trip as an instrument of intercultural mediation

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project was started by some needs perceived by some European teachers. Despite the different experiences made in the past, in our classes it is poorly feel the spirit of globalization. The classes see also the presence of some pupils of different nationalities or from socio­culturally disadvantaged families. This led us to feel the need to prepare our students to live in a multicultural and globalized society using an effective and engaging tool. The travel dreams have characterized the boys of every age and every country, but very often in reality it is not carried out for a number of reasons. So many of our students will never see what is happening around the place where they live and they will never know the wonderful city and places in the world. We have therefore thought to help our students to overcome these obstacles using the tools that technology provides usand placing them in direct contact with other students of their age who live in those places. The basic objective of the project was to introduce the students to different cultures, to understand them and accept them using as a tool for mediation the loogbook of trips made b​y some characters, constructed by the students. The project is based on the firm belief that the knowledge and dialogue with other cultures enriches and enhances each of us, leads us to decentralize and looking at each other with different eyes, to open ourselves to overcoming stereotypes and prejudices. All of this contributes to the creation of a better society based on solidarity, peace, tolerance, understanding and mutual respect, the pursuit of the common good. The use of ICT tools to search for information, document and narrate own experiences, sharing them with other geographically distant learning environments, promoting the active participation of all students, especially those with difficulties, puts everyone in a position to acquire the ability to use technological tools to consciously learn, interact, facilitates the acquisition of learning strategies, effective and permanent giving everyone the chance to learn how to learn for life, motivates and engages students in the learning process by preventing any form of early school leaving.P​HASES OF THE PROJECT:
● Idea of the project (identification of emerging needs students / teachers);
● planning work (objectives­content­methods­time­resources­end product);
● research tools available for the best implementation;
● processing WebQuest;
● choosing the genius representative of own country;
● search of informations and presentation of the minigenius to the partner schools; sending by postal mail of the minigenius;
● welcome and familiarization of the minigenius at school; organization of visits to places the most significant and beautiful in own country and presentation of foods or typical events;
● narration and documentation of experience in the logbook and in TwinSpace;
● monitoring and evaluation of the experience and the work done;
● dissemination

How long has your project been running?

2012-06-29 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

1. Todevelop​attitudes,behaviors,values,knowledgeandskillsneededtoliveina multicultural and globalized world.
2. Topromotemulticulturalandmultilingualdialogue
3. Topromoteinstudentsanattitudeofrespecttowardsotherpeoplesandother
countries, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices.
4. T​o improve the teaching and learning of the English language.
5. Toincreasetheuseofthetechnologiesofinformationandcommunication.
6. ToimprovetherelationshipsandtheknowledgeamongschoolsinEurope.
7. ToknowaboutimportantcharactersorgeniusinEurope.
8. ToknowimportantandrelevantfeaturesofsomeEuropeancountries.
9. To expand the knowledge and experience of all pupils participating in the
project, especially those at risk.
10.To promote the active participation of all pupils, including those with special
11.Motivating students to learn
12.Learning to learn
13. Improve and make interactive the teaching / learning proce​ss


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Travel or go through a journey of others listening to the story, reading a logbook, looking at the images is a way immediate and nice to bring the students to different places, different culture, to admire the beauties of the world and broaden boundaries of their own experience. The project has therefore approached the students to new realities, brought them to understand and accept them and made them travel through a logbook of different characters representing the various countries and various cultures. The results of activities implemented were varied and very interesting. The whole project has further motivated the students as it is served to deepen learnings different from those proposed traditionally at school . Pupils have worked with classmates of foreign schools , exchanging material , creating work together and communicating outside of the design motivations and are thus arrived at concrete and solid friendships . In addition , the students were able to enrich their knowledge in various disciplines such as geography , history , science, art, but also the way they live in a family in a different culture with different traditions, education and thinking. So , collaboration , exchange, sharing, different intercultural approach through communication and information channels the most challenging , the need to use a common foreign language ( English ) and the development of specific skills have made this project interesting , functional and appropriate to the objectives. The product is considered to be very good because of the positive impact on students and teachers. At this level of training the experience must surely be greatly towards the growth of the students, the development of their ripeness , achieving a greater understanding and awareness of cultural diversity , and thus increase the attention and interest in the school itself, who is the promoter of the complex evolutionary process of students.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

T​eachers and students of the different partner schools, parents, the school community. Teachers and students provide for sending and receiving of various mini genius, use the tools that the eTwinning portal provides as well as numerous Web 2.0 to narrate and document the several trips made by the minigenius, to communicate with each other or publish on the web. Parents work with pupils at home hosting the minigenius and accompanying children in different trips. The publication of the various activities on the website allows members of the school community to follow and catch up the different travel routes and expand their knowledge of other cultures and ways of life.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Less than 1 year
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-04-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Ours was an attempt to overcome the various obstacles that impede students to actually visit a place, to travel, bringing, thanks to the use of technological tools and direct interaction with the partner schools, some elements of the culture and beauty of the various European countries to the knowing of all. T​he project has approached the students to different cultures and brought them to understand and accept them; in a playful and enjoyable way pupils have known some important people and the contribution they have given not only to the culture of their country but to the world; have enhanced their communicative, digital, social, organizational skills. The proposed activities have motivated all pupils, especially those in difficulty, to engage and learn. All pupils have acquired basic knowledge and skills to become active and informed citizens in a multicultural and globalized society. The project has facilitated the exchange of experiences and teaching practices of the teachers involved, that in this way they improved their way to school, with positive effects on the entire educational institution. For all these reasons, the project is an example of good practice that can be replicated in other schools

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
The project was carried out in the best possible way with the help and support of families. However, in school we were faced with the problem of the tools that, due to the current economic situation, are not sufficient for all pupils or are rather dated. A better and more effective implementation of the project would be possible by equipping the school with appropriate instrumentation
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
It would be desirable that the project was extended to schools in other European countries, that they were involved a greater number of teachers and pupils, that particularly disadvantaged pupils have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge learned with actual trips, that the field of investigation was extended to other aspects of the culture of the various European countries.
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