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Augmented reality as learning environment - interactive collaborative elearning with "alive" learning materials.
With using augmented reality apps, there are no borders for learning contexts or environment. Augmented reality allows to combine and connect real-life scenarios and objects with digital environment perceptions.
Our project starts in autumn 2014, when project group students started to learn augmented reality apps - Aurasma and Collaraps. Then project-group students organized and aura-exhibition-workshop for younger school-mates ( [1]) about using mobile apps and making auras. In this way older students are working as menthors for youngers. The next step was organizing an exhibition of augmented reality objects made by students from 1st to 3rd grade.
Next step in our project was to change it into an international project and we started common project with school on Faroe Islands (Denmark). We are using online workshops and Skype conferences as working tools and we are planned also student exchanges. Students will give an opportunity to practice their skills in real-life situation and practice new pedagogical methods: project-based, problem-based, inquiry-based, game-based learning, flipped classroom etc. Olders students can be in the role of menthors to teach youngers for innovative ways of using digital media. After common learning students will organize activities (exhibitons, workshops, conferences) to other students to show what they have learned.
All materials, made during project, will use educational cloud services to made materials visible.
Using augmented reality in learning helps develop equal opportunities in inclusive education and to promote creativity and innovation in education.
Teachers and students are working as partners, advanced students are involved as menthors, all participants have good opportunity to try new digital tools for learning and teaching and to practice new pedagogical methods: project-, inquiry-, problem-, game-based learning, flipped classroom, BYOD-lessons etc.
During projects only free apps are used (Aurasma, Collarapp etc), participants can use their own devices, but for workshops it is possible to use equipment at school. We will use Skype conferences for preparatory work, also social media for groupworks (Facebook groups, Edmodo),and different mobile apps (EdSelf etc), educational resource cloud services will be used.
We have started the project between two school in Estonia and Faroe islands (from both schools 35 students) - and as students can be the project-managers also, maximum number of participants is not expired.
We will use Skype conferences for preparatory work, also social media for groupworks (Facebook groups, Edmodo),and different mobile apps (EdSelf etc), educational resource cloud services will be used.
All participants have good opportunity to try new digital tools for learning and teaching and to practice new pedagogical methods: project-, inquiry-, problem-, game-based learning, flipped classroom, BYOD-lessons, real-life based learning scenarios by using augmented reality.